Megan is the #151 most common female name.
0.147% of females in the US are named Megan.
Around 187425 US females are named Megan!
source Gildea is the #13781 most common last name.
0.001% of last names in the US are Gildea.
Around 2500 US last names are Gildea!
source so not much has been happening in my exciting life. haha um homecoming is going to be great me and becca are going to look hott!!!! Our dresses are awesome and were almost matching..(and it wasnt plan either)so tomorrow im hanging out with Rebecca Slutface and were going bowling cuz were cool and can do that. then friday im chilling with my bestest guy friend ant. saturday bowling and then im going to be home all alone cuz my parents are going to a party and my brother is going to be at work :( i hate being home alone sunday bowling with taylor possibly??? not to sure about that im not going to get my hopes up and get screwed over by him like last time. wow next week im going to be pretty busy... monday i have to clean tuesday im going to go get a tan and go get some stuff for homecoming. wedesday i have french club eh not looking forward to staying after school...thursday im going to prebowl for saturday cuz i aint going to be at bowling and then friday wooo going over beccas house to get ready for homecoming... saturday not going bowling chilling with my bestest girl friend becca. christmas is almost here and i cant wait cuz me n becca are going to boston the next day and yea im going to miss some people but ill have my cell phone with me!!
you rock my socks!!!!!!
<3 megan