Its going to be a long night ... Its going to be cold without your arms ..

Jun 13, 2006 21:02

Sunday, after work (half day) headed to Stan’s (don’t remember how my day at work was ... most prolly the usual i.e. boring). From there we went to Mughal Mahal for lunch [and on the way I saw 2 of my students from BSK, Maddy and Aisha, Maddy looks great. She’s a lovely girl. I don’t think they recognized me :-/ then again the 2nd time I saw them, I think Maddy noticed me ... I should’ve gone and said hello].

Ains joined us for lunch ... from there we headed to Marina Mall and into Second Cup - Nabeel hooked up with us there  He kissed me on the cheek and gave me a hug (which was a bit weird considering I always am the 1st to make such moves in the group) and Sabru came later. We had some cold stuff and just talked. Stan and Ains took N’s ass :P they told him that he called them up on Thursday and told them that he loved and missed them and told Stan that he loved him as a woman or something like that lol. It was fun seeing them take his ass at the same time felt bad for him … A bit later had a smoke and dozed off on the sofa I was on. Ains was telling them how he isn’t into porn and the guys took his ass :P Stan woke me up and asked if I was bored and if I wanted to head home and sleep to which I said no.

We decided to watch a movie but there were no decent shows on at the time also we were late. On the way there I saw Niamh at Hallmark and stopped to talk for a bit, met her kids - Aoife and Samir, they’re lovely. Sam is a little riot! When he saw me stop to talk to his mum he came running, says “I’m Sa... “ and took off! He didn’t say saM, just stopped at sA, lol. He’s like a baby Ainsley :P LOL!

After that we headed off to Montie’s to play pool and that was o-kay.

N and I often smoke together and Rohit stopped by yesterday and went "its one of the 3:- you guys are working on getting back together, on the verge of getting back OR already got back ..." I just told him that we’re just friends and if any of what he said ever did happen he’d be one of the 1st to know.
Also there are these 2 consultants (Neil and Zoe) down for some Log Demo’s and N was in with them pretty much all of yesterday. When I was about to leave, I saw Neil in the reception waiting for someone to give directions to the hotel driver to pick them up. I told him that we’d give them a lift - Nabeel offered to take me home yesterday and I didn’t think he would mind. ASA I spoke to Neil I dashed off to N and told him (btw he had already offered them a ride earlier on and they said that the hotel would pick them up). I barely spoke on the way to the hotel - N tried to talk and we were both pretty much stuck lol. Neil asked us where we lived and stuff and if we lived together (since I hadn’t responded to the qn) - it was a weird moment.

N and I are ok I guess. I really want to open up and talk to him like I do with my mates. Its just soo hard. I’m not myself when with him and I hate it! Honestly, I am the most talkative in my group when with him I’m a bloody mouse! I get so embarrassed when anyone teases me when he’s around. It sucks. I need to work really hard to make things work (as friends)

Also, Hasan (another mate from IT, works with N) just got back from vacation and he told me that I’ve changed .. apparently I’ve become even more talkative? I am usually like this when I’m sad and trying to hide it ... I tend to put myself down not that it makes me feel any better ...

Anyhoo, am off, really beat :-/ been feeling so tired lately :-/ I know I’m going to get my period soon.
Also, someone at work found some pics taken at Denzil’s party at the Safir hotel a few mths ago .. there’s this pic of N and I which I had deleted when I 1st saw it ... will post it tomorrow.

Good night all x

ainsley, stan, nabeel, night out, pool, hasan, lunch, friends, rohit

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