PICS and work and stuff and ...

Mar 18, 2006 03:43

Day at work was ... pretty shitty. No work .. no managers in (which was the only cool thing) . worst thing that happened was Nabeel & I fooling around in the GUYS loo and some bloody cleaners saw us go in and we had to like 'hide' in there for about 15-20 mins and those little shits were waiting for us to walk out of the loo ... fuckers.

Am exhausted ... Nabeel is still a bit ill :( his tonsils are bad. He's also got heat boils on his body and its all ouchy ouch!

Sabru and I got high on nicotine gum today! It was weird .. I want to try it again .... I remember laughing a lot and I heard Nabeel tell Paloma that I was cute all high and giggly lol.

Sav. He's a sweetheart. I love taking his ass, its so sad but so funny when Nabeel, Ains and I do it :D

Ains and Sabru. The famous Ainsley who's seeing my sis Sabru (he's a good dancer, cha cha cha and all that couple dancing ones) :-)

Roger. Another one of my work mates. He's half Portugese. The white shoe is Ains' and the black ones are mine :P

Stan-the-man! He's really funny and cool =D

The next 2 pics of Nabeels friends ... the pics were taken at Tina's and Shabbir's b'day dinner.

Tina & Shabbir. Tina is wearing some Indian dress in this .. its so pretty (I dont like Indian clothes that much ... but a few are o-kay).

Shabbir & Mahir. I wouldnt say these guys are photogenic :P they are kind of cute in person lol.

Nabeel and I :-)

I'm so fripping tired. Its almost 3.45 am ... spent almost 3 hours on the phone taking to Ains about pretty much everything before I came online. So glad I have the next 2 days off ... I can sleep properly ... I hope ...

Hayley, hun I havent heard the whole CD yet but I know some of the songs and love them and the one playing at the mo is really nice. I think I heard it in a cartoon ................ ???????? :-/

work, ainsley, hayley, music, nabeel, pics, nicotine, friends

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