Life isnt fair

Feb 09, 2006 13:50

Been feeling really down and bummed out all morning.
Last night went out with Nabeel, Ainsley and Sav and my sis Sabru joined us (I think Ainsley and Sabru like each other) - I had a good time and so did Sabru and Sav. Nabeel also said he had a great time :) I also met a few of Nabeel's mates whom I'm been dreading to meet.
Ainsley is a star! I love that guy soo much, he's like the brother I never had.

I want money ... I wish I could save up a lot more than I already am :( its depressing. I never thought I would say this and I trust myself not to do anything studpid/ foolish to get money and I most probably wont but I'm not sure I do anymore.

I do not believe in soul mates and 'the one' and I want to be with someone and Nabeel is ..... I dont know. Yesterday I told him that we should be friends and that way not worry about things and he says "I dont just want to be friends with you ... evidently I like you a lot and ..." I dont remember all of it. But it was soo 'awww' I felt myself melt inside.

I am so close to crying right now. Also found an e-mail in my supervisors inbox saying she'll be leaving to Canada for good ............. I want my dreams to come true too ...


night out, ainsley, niamh, nabeel, savio, money, sabru

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