Just thought I'd pop in and say hello ... HELLO!!

Dec 30, 2005 19:46

***Speaking to Hayley on msn :P using mic, I want to hear you tooo!!!

***Received Aline's card ♥ I loved it =D x

*Long boring weekend! Oooooh and my new work weekends will be the int'l weekends i.e. Saturdays and Sundays (for those who didnt know its Thursdays and Fridays in the MidEast).

*I havent been on lj in soooo long .. popped in earlier today and read a few posts. Will pop in some time tomorrow and will definitely post. I will try to be on regularly and comment more when I get my new pc at work =D

Hope you had a great day ♥


Can anyone help me with a New Year msg .. its for my sister. She wants to send a mail out to her work people. She wants it to be a combination of formal + humour .. so PLEASE help :) Thanks x

hayley, aline, ariana, weekend

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