I'll give a lttle bit of my life for you ... give a little bit of your time to me

Sep 09, 2005 21:49

Weekend UNEVENTFUL. Work yesterday then home … went online spoke to Jerry on the phone for almost 3 hrs it was pretty cool. We were laughing .. joking around. He goes home in a week (same day Richie goes back to Afghan). He and his mate are going to be missionaries … I think what they’re out to do is really good. He fascinates me.

Man evolved from monkeys … where did the monkeys come from?

Neil and I have been chatting a bit. He’s one of those people you’d want to know as … lets just say he isn’t what I thought he’d be. He wants to take me out and maybe for a drink at the AG villa. I told him about Richie and he asked me if Richie would mind to which the answer was of course HELL YES! And then I asked him if his wife would mind if he was out with someone else (and not just as friends but more because that’s wht he does!). He said something about kids and I got kicked off and when I got back the topic changed.

Fati msg’d me today! I haven’t heard from her in ages. She was one of my really good mates in high school and past that. She’s a really awesome person .. everyone who knows her are like ‘wow I’m so glad I know her and proud to have her as a mate’.

Was talking to Sharen earlier (she’s my best mate from school). We got talking about Richie.
We went on about stuff … and I told her how I thought about certain things and …

Sha says: thats a lot of thought!!!
Sha says: how much u think!
Sami ] trying to keep it close .. low .. dont know how long it will go [ says: is that bad?
Sha says: noo! not at all!

Then I said some …

sha says: do u really trust him?
Sami ] trying to keep it close .. low .. dont know how long it will go [ says: yes

So many dreams about him lately .. some nice .. some really bad.

Last person who....

Slept in your bed: Sabru and I, she woke up after me so Sabru.
Saw you cry: Mum
You went to the movies with: Nick, Fati, Sabru and Saira
You went to the mall with: Nick, Sabru, Saira, Elton, Shakila, Arlene

Have You Ever...

Said "I Love You" and meant it: Yes.
Gotten in a fight with your pet: never had one
Been to California: No
Been to Mexico: No
Been to China: No
Been to Canada: No … but I tried to.
Been to Europe: No, but I would love to … someday
Danced naked: No …
Wish you were the opposite sex: Sometimes …


Right Now...

Do you have a crush on someone: Its not a crush … its much more than that
What book are you reading now: None
Worst feeling in the world:
Future kids name: Lol Adam, Gary and Emma :P
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No … there are 2 Koalas on the post of my bed.
What's under your bed: some books, a suitcase and some shoe boxes (with shoes in them of course)
Favorite sport to watch: Soccer/ Cricket (Basketball - if there was a PLAYING qn :P)
Location: Kuwait
Piercing's/Tattoos: ears
Do you drink: Occasionally
What are you most scared of: Losing a loved one … not going to college :(
Where do you want to get married: I've never really thought about where and how I want things to be at my wedding …
Who do you really hate: I don’t hate anyone …
Do you have a job: Yes but it isn’t something I want to do
Do you like being around people: Depends .. I don’t like being around annoyingly stupid people who think they're too smart.
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: Not really … although I am starting to think that Richie might be him … as in being with him and all that …
Are you lonely right now: Yes
Song that's stuck in your head a lot: James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover (listening to it now)


Have you ever

Been in love: If it is love …
Played strip poker: No
Pulled an all nighter: Yeah
Been on radio/tv: No
Been in a mosh-pit: …???
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: Yes, Fe and I love her =)


In the last 24 Hours have you...

Cried: No
Gotten sick: No
Been kissed: No
Had sex: No
Felt stupid: No
Talked to an ex: No
Missed someone: Yes … very much
Hugged someone: No.

fati, richie, sha, jerry, survey, neil, weekend

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