Finals are OVER; Thank God.

Jan 22, 2004 18:28

I thought they'd never end... Of course I must have failed a few because I'm a dumbass. Fuck, I think I'm failing french and global. I haven't done that well on the last few tests. Just 70's and I think I failed the final. DAMN. In french, I have done a little better but I didn't past the tests. I just raised then by what, 10 15 points. That shows how badly I've been doing in that class. My average 2nd marking pd for french was 60.=( I need about at least a 70-75 on the final to pass the class. Sigh.

And I'm only getting an 88 in English and in math my average went down a few points. Most likely between 85-95 now. More towards 85. Sigh. I suck, damnit.

But I'll see my friend Emma soon. I hope it cheers me up because my report card sure as hell won't. Neither will my parents' reaction. They'll be disappointed.

What people said to me today

"Shelly, how come you don't get hat-hair from wearing a hat? don't most people get hat-hair, like waffs of hair sticking out?" HAHA. Guess who said that.

"Ohh, Shelly going loco in pictures. I want to see THAT."

"You have issues. Do you need help? Need a counselor?" HAHAHA. Flora said that.

Good night, all. God bless.

p.s.: thanks, sarrah for the cd. I love the songs. =D
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