domesticate everybody come on!

Jun 29, 2006 17:04

this brings the lol's.
the caption just said "me and my awesome hair!"

oh what's that?
you don't think it's funny?

hmm..maybe you should shove your mouse up your ass.
that is comedic gold.

my birthday is tomorrow.
i expect the second coming of jesus christ himself.
and he better bring me a present..and not another one of his phoney ass "miracles".

i'm sorry jesus..but making "the worlds best bologna sandwich" does not count as a miracle.
by the way it tasted like something my dog would puke up.

jesus always was a schmuck.

so birthday tomorrow.
snakes + plane = snakesonaplane.

for your listening pleasure.

note to self:
cehck to see if the rest of mates of state-team boo
and minus the bear- they make beer commercials like this
finished downloading tomorrow.
good luck future self.
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