i hate my job

Jul 08, 2005 09:52

i truely hate coming to work and having to babysit these little shits. they dont listen to anyone, plus when you tell them anything, THEY ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY. no matter what it is. they have a comment about it. its sooo irritating. i seriously wish all of them would just disappear...forever...that would be nice.

on the forth of july. i got really drunk with my family. it was all good until...dun dun dun...i threw up.

if anyone knows my mother...she freaked out and went crazy...over exaggerating the whole situation. and made everyone really uncomfortable. it was seriously the stupidest thing. i didnt vomit on anyone, or anything. i felt sick after the fireworks, went to hurl in the bathroom, then told everyone, i was going home. actually, i didnt even say good bye to anyone...i just left. so no one would have even known i was sick if my mother wouldnt have gone insane. while the world spun in circles, i secretly thought of shoving her head into the dirty toilet. :)

shes insane...you kno the movie..mother dearest? well...thats her. NO WIRE HANGERS!!!! damn it...

isnt she scary?!

anyway...talk to you all later.
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