i havent had a twinkie since the 7th grade...thank god!!

Jun 29, 2005 08:50

well jimmy and i are not together anymore. its really sad, but im doing alot better than i thought i would be. which is great. the love just faded out. nothing too upsetting. its not like it ended with war. which is soo wonderful. i miss him though. obviously becuz he wasnt just my boyfriend for a year, but my best friend. above evrything else, we had amazing conversations about God and society and politics. we are very different people but we always showed such respect for eachother. towards our thoughts and opinions. and we played together. we wrestled and pranked on one another. we were really good friends. and thats what im going to miss. i told him that i wanted to be his friend, but now that i think about it. i dont. not that i want to be enemies. but just not friends. becuz we cant be friends. he cant call me and tell me about a new girl he met and ask me for advice becuz ill kill myself. and i dont think hed be too happy either if i did the same. it would just be wierd. and wed keep things from eachother just so that the other wouldnt get upset. and thats not what friends do.
so id rather we just go our seperate ways and if we were to bump into one another, to say a friendly "hello".
"no not baby anymore, if i need you ill just use your simple name. only kisses on the cheek from now on, and in a little while we'll only have to wave."
i want a dog. really badly. a small dog. like a malteese (spelling?) or a yorkie!!! while driving to work i saw 2 of them. little cuties being walked on 137!! but my mom would kill me. she hates dogs. she wants to throw ratty in the dumpster. she just doesnt realize that dogs take on human form almost. they have sooo much personality that they really do become your friend. my mom is always alone now adays and i thought it would be nice if we had one. so that their would be someone home when she got there. i wanted to just get one. find a little dog at the pound and buy it, take it home and force my mom to love it. but shed kill me. so im just thinking, i wish there was a dog i could borrow. one with ALOT of friendliness and love. that i can use to make my mother fall in love with them. and beg to have a dog.
or not.
you know how you figure out what your porn name is? okay your first name would be your first female pet's name. so i would be Luna, Kayleigh- Molly, Gabbie- Lupe so on and so forth. then your last name would be the name of the street you live on. so i live on 137 and its name is Lindgren Rd. soo i would be Luna Lindgren. and if i new the name of 147th. kayleigh would be Molly 147th. not everyone finds that to be very funny. BUT I DO!!
take care
caridad on the martin
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