Slow Going Part 3, Sam/Castiel, SPN Fic

Oct 12, 2010 20:21

Title: Slow Going Part 3
Author: fallingemerald
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Castiel, Dean,
Warning(s): Romance, Slash, Cuddling/Kissing/Hugging
Spoiler(s): Season Four onward
Prompt(s): My own
Word Count: 895
Beta Reader:None
Rants: Wanted to cheer someone up and they liked Sam/Castiel. I added a bit more before I decided to post though. This is not even my otp and I crank it out like candy, seriously.
Summary: Sam and Dean have an awkward talk, and then Castiel gets his first hug stolen; Sam's not happy.
Disclaimer: Do not own spn...yep.

Slow Going Part 3
Dean had ignored Castiel and Sam for at least three days before punching Sam in the jaw. “You couldn’t even tell me that you and Castiel were together?” He had huffed before leaving both of them at the motel.

Sam had thought he deserved it, so he held back Castiel and tried to explain it was about trust.

Castiel seemed to get it, but glared at Dean for the rest of the week whenever Dean had to be around the two.

It took another two weeks before they were in any assemblance of normal.

“There’s got to be ground rules, Sammy,” Dean started in one day; they were driving to another hunt, “No kissing or sex in the Impala, or around me.”

“Dean!” Sam felt himself flush and looked out the window.

“I’m serious Sam, and if you want to have some alone time in the motel, you know the rules.” Dean paused, and his hands clenched tightly around the wheel, “You do remember the rule, right?”

Sam felt mortified, “Yeah.” He bit his own lip and tried to ignore the burning in his cheeks. This conversation was more awkward then when Dad had let Dean explain the birds and the bees to him.

“What is it Sammy?” Dean eased his grip on the wheel, but didn’t look any more relaxed.

The younger brother huffed, pulled a strand of his hair roughly, “Dean,”

“Sam, just answer, for my peace of mind.” Dean growled, low and green-eyes glanced at Sam.

“Put a sock on the door, or panties.” Sam sometimes really hated Dean.

Other times, like when Dean slapped him on the back and grinned, it was alright; “Alright, let’s celebrate then, I’ll get you and Castiel some drinks. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t” He winked.


Dean was the first one to hug Castiel.

Sam wasn’t jealous or anything. No, the bottle broke because it was a cheap bar, which meant cheap beer and beer bottles. He went to wash his hands of glass and returned to find Castiel drinking beers with Dean. The second bottle broke because he was jealous.

The hunter took his leave of the bar once the bartender refused to give him anymore drinks. He reached the motel easily enough, it was bitter cold, but he figured the angry hum in his mind helped add to the bite of the wind.

Castiel appeared right after Sam closed the door. He looked at Sam for a moment before turning him around and cupping his face. “Samuel?”

Sam had to blush because while Dean affectionately called him Sammy, Castiel went reverse. Even though Sam was sure it should feel more like a scolding, the affection dipped into his full name made him blush every time. “Cas.” He ran his fingers across Castiel’s hand.

The other man’s eyes widened and he licked his lips, and Sam loved that he could get Castiel all worked up with just a touch.

It helped the jealousy abate.

“What is wrong?” Castiel finally broke the silence, his hands drawing Sam’s face closer, as if he was trying to see into the hunter’s soul.

Sam was tempted to lie, because he wasn’t a girl, and no matter what Dean said he didn’t like talking just as much as any other Winchester. The taller man couldn’t do that, though, because it was Castiel, “I, Dean stole your first hug.” He hadn’t meant it to come out so petulant, but it was out of lips before he could take it back.

The blue-eyed man brows drew together, and he bit his lip. Castiel stared at Sam for several seconds before, running his hands down the hunter’s face. “You wanted to be my first?”

Sam tried not to blush at the implications, because yes, he wants everything Castiel experiences in their relationship to be their first. “Yes.” He leaned into the angel’s touch and wraps his arms around the man. “I want everything between us to be your first.” His mouth is pressed against Castiel’s ear now, which is harder than it should be because Castiel still has his hands on Sam’s face.

The angel hummed under his breath before pulling Sam into a hug. “I as well, Samuel, I want you to show me everything.” Castiel pressed his hands heavily against Sam, not giving an inch.

Sam held on just as hard. “I love you.” He hadn’t meant to say that out-loud but it’s already there, so he dragged Castiel to the small couch the motel provides and sits them down. The taller man pulled Castiel closer still, and it’s too warm with his jacket still on but he doesn’t want to let go just yet.

Castiel raised his face, a flush across his cheeks, and he smiled. “I love you too, Samuel.” He snuggled against Sam and placed light kisses across Sam’s lips.

The hunter melted under the attention, Sam figured the best first must have been teaching Castiel how to kiss, because he does it so often that Sam is addicted. The taste of Castiel never changed; a hint of blueberries, cinnamon, and otherness. He was entirely baffled by it, but liked it none-the-less.

They held themselves there until he fell asleep. Sam woke up when Dean placed a blanket over them, a soft look across his face, before he turns the lights off. He was jealous, not so much now.


Part Four

rating: pg, genre: romance, warning: slash, pairing: sam/castiel, fandom: spn

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