Valentine Date, Sam/Dean, SPN Fanfic

Oct 06, 2010 18:39

Title: Valentine Date
Author: fallingemerald
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam, Dean, OCs(Barely)
Warning(s): Slash, Romance, Innuendo
Spoiler(s): None, unless you haven't seen Pilot.
Prompt(s): Pan: Sam/Dean, Valentine's schmoop
Word Count: 1616
Beta Reader:None
Rants: Okay, this came out like a day or two ago, hell if I remember my sleeping schedule's messed up my internal clock. Either way, I think it came out decently, I was going to add a smut scene but then the date got out of hand for me and well, this is what happened. I hope you don't mind that there's no smut. I'll write another Sam/Dean with pure smut to make it up to you Pan :P
(Also I hope this helps you feel better if your still upset.)
Summary: After Jess, Sam's used to this. This being a date then Sex.
Disclaimer: Do not own.

Valentine Date

Sam’s got this thing about Valentine’s, it’s been a recurring theme. It started with Jessica, when she first bought him chocolate’s on Valentine’s. The only reason he knew it was Valentines was because Dean would always call and tell him he had scored. That year was no different, separated by miles of road and familial anger and distance he still picked up the phone.

Jessica wasn’t really pleased that Sam had never had a girlfriend long enough to enjoy Valentine’s Day. The non-existent gift from Sam helped fuel the sudden fire in her eyes. She fixed that and dragged him to an elegant restaurant; “Don’t worry about it Sam, I’ll pay for it. You can pay me back tonight.” She winked, and it just became a thing.

After though, Sam didn’t remember the holiday, there was no time. Everything moved way to fast to do anything other than try to keep up. The only time that Dean reminded him of the holiday and it stuck he took one of their forged credit cards and bought himself a nice dinner at a nearby restaurant and tried not to cry through the meal. Part of him was sure it was a bit pathetic.

Now though, it was a good time to start, and it just seemed natural. Especially with how Dean seemed to avoid any mention of their illicit relationship. He got Dean into the car easy enough, promise dinner to the man and you could drag him anywhere. Getting Dean into the restaurant was the real problem. Ruffino was a rather nice Italian restaurant that Sam had found while they were driving through Arizona. It was just by luck that they actually stopped in Phoenix.

“Sammy, I am not setting foot in there.” Dean scowled at the building and tried to grab the keys from the ignition.

Sam snorted, and wondered why Dean thought stealing the keys would help him get out of this. “No,” He placed a quick hand against Dean’s before he could pull out the keys. “You will for me.” He pressed a gentle kiss against the older man’s hand.

The brown-haired man flinched away from Sam. “Don’t do that shit, man. I might like you in bed, but no way in fuck are we doing this shit.” He waved a hand around them and pointedly stared at where the younger hunter’s lips were still against his hand.

The hazel-eyed brother rolled his eyes. “Come on Dean, for me.” He licked his lips and made sure to glance down at Dean’s crotch. He would have tried to pout but Dean rarely ever fell for that anymore. No, sexual suggestions always worked better, and he was going to get the other man out of his clothes later, anyway.

“Fine,” Dean sighed, shoulders slumping, and turning to glare at the building.

Sam smirked, knowing for a fact Dean had glanced at his lips at least twice by the time they reached the front doors of the restaurant. He opened the wooden doors easily, and held it for Dean.

Dean twitched and glared at the other hunter. “I’m going to kick your tall-ass, Sammy. I’m not a damn girl.” He walked through anyway and stopped right in front of the hostess’ stand.

“Hello, Welcome to Ruffino, two?” The Hostess smiled.

“Yes, under Winchester.” Sam smiled charmingly at her, and ignored the suddenly hot gaze directed at him by his brother. He didn’t turn to him until they were seated in a nice booth that was directly away from most everyone else.

“Sammy.” Dean hissed, clenching the menu that the Hostess had left behind.

“Yes, Dean?” The charming smile didn’t help lessen the angry gaze sent his way.

Just then a waitress appeared with a smile, “Hi, I’ll be your waitress today, Jennifer.”

Dean turned his gaze towards the waitress, and Sam was sure, about to snap a reply, but Sam clamped a quick hand across the table on Dean’s.

“Hi, I’m Sam, this is Dean. We would like your best fine, white, wine and the Bacon Wrapped Scallops to start with.” The brown-haired quirked his lips in a tired smile and watched the waitress walk away. “Calm down Dean, it’s been a nice day, don’t fret.” Sam clenched his hand tighter around the older man’s and smiled genuinely.

Dean’s face softened for just a second before he pulled his hand back and rolled his eyes. “So, why are we here anyway? We were supposed to be researching, or you know, getting laid.” He pointedly glanced at Sam.

Sam snorted, Of course Dean would remember Valentine’s Day for sex but not anything romantic. “We’re having dinner, like it or not, on Valentine’s Day.” He missed Dean’s warm hand already but ignored it. He just needed to chip at Dean’s defenses slowly before he got to hold it again. Maybe a bit of wine would help, he snorted.

“Seriously, Sammy? And you held the door open for me?” The brown-haired man flicked open the napkin holding his utensils and winced at the sound of the fork and knife clanging against each other. “Huh.”

Sam winced and wondered if Dean had ever gone to an up-scale restaurant before.

The waitress returned soon enough, with a bottle of white wine, two glasses of water, and two empty glasses on a tray. She also held the appetizer in her hand that didn’t hold the tray.

Sam was impressed, he had worked as a waiter once and it was a bitch to hold everything steady. The way the restaurant was starting to crowd up, it probably wasn’t traffic-free either.

He slid a bacon wrapped scallop from the plate and bit the edge of it, sliding it off the toothpick. He swallowed, “It’s good, Dean, try it.” He finished the rest of it with a quick bite. The hazel-eyed hunter didn’t even register the waitress leaving their table.

Dean stared at the food in front of him and shook his head, “What the fuck is this shit, Sam?

“It’s an appetizer.” Sam looked back up at Dean before taking another from the platter.

“No shit, but what is it? And who puts bacon around anything?” He scowled, “I’m not touching it, Sam.”

Sam rolled his eyes and before Dean could continue ranting put a piece of the scallop in the other man’s mouth.

Dean’s mouth latched onto Sam’s finger before the other man could pull back. His sucked before letting go, with a blush rising over his cheeks, and chewed on the food. “It’s not bad,” He grabbed a few scallops and started munching obnoxiously loud.

Sam grinned, trying to hide the sudden arousal and need that wanted to escape him because of Dean’s blatant display. Dean’s eating habits kicking in helped stop Sam from dragging his brother across the table and having his way with him in a crowded restaurant.

The waitress returned minutes later after Dean had demolished the plate and lamented Sam being a Princess for his choice in drink. “Ready to order, gentlemen?” Her smile jumped up a notch at the end.

Dean looked at her and glanced down at the menu, before glaring at Sam. “I don’t even know half of these meat dishes.” He turned back to the waitress, “I’ll go with the chicken breast…thing.”

“The Chicken Marsala, a lovely choice, Sir.” She smiled again, wrote it down, and glanced at Sam.

Sam hummed, glancing down at the menu, until Dean kicked his shin hard. He huffed at Dean, “Baked Rigatoni, please, and go light on the meat sauce?” He smiled, and handed the menu to the woman.

By the time she was gone Dean was muttering under his breath.

Sam placed a hand on Dean’s again, “Oh, come on Dean it’s a nice place, fine wine-”

“Yeah, how much did this stuff cost anyway?” Dean sniffed the wine in his cup before taking a large gulp of it down. “Tastes nasty as fuck, Sam.”

Sam rubbed a hand across his forehead. He could just see the rest of the night already. “Doesn’t matter Dean, just, just enjoy the rest of dinner, alright?” He was not tearing up a little because he wanted this night to go smoothly, at least for a little while.

The older hunter gaped at Sam and pulled a face. “Fine, fine, Sammy, stop looking like I shot your dog or something. I’ll be good.” Even while he said it, Dean wrapped his hand more tightly around Sam’s. When the waitress appeared, the man didn’t even seem fazed when she smiled brightly at their held together hands.

Both ate their dinner with slight banter back and forth and sips of wine, after Sam got tired of Dean trying to gulp down glass after glass and taught him the proper way to drink it.

“Would you like dessert?” Jennifer appeared almost spontaneously after the men finished their meals. She handed two dessert menus out to Sam and Dean, after picking up both empty plates.

“There’s no pie on here.” Dean looked offended, face twisted into a grimace. “I mean, who doesn’t have pie?”

“Ignore him, we’ll have the Tiramisu.” Sam offered the menu back and couldn’t help smile at Dean’s narrowed eyes.

“What the hell is Tira-whatever? It better be pie, Sam.” Dean growled at Sam.

The younger brother winced, and rubbed a circle against Dean’s wrist. “Breath Dean, it’s just a biscuit cake. It tastes good, I promise, and I’ll buy you pie tomorrow.” Sam smiled at Dean, face softening for just a moment, and continued to caress Dean’s hand, “Thank you.”

The older hunter grunted, but his lips still tilted into a slight smile. Dean didn’t let go of Sam’s hand.

genre: romance, warning: slash, fandom: spn, pairing: dean/sam, rating: r

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