nap attack...

Sep 25, 2007 15:30

After going to bed late last night and waking up early, I promised myself a little 2 hour nap before I fully begin my day. I came home, I ate a bit of breakfast, did a few other things, and at 10:30 , lay down for my short nap. I set the alarm, and  expected to wake up around 12.
The phone has room for about 4 alarms to be set. Each one, usually stays unchanged.
I woke up when the alarm went off, checked the time, sat down in front of the computer to check emails and noticed my last gmail message was sent 4 hours ago. I assumed it was some gmail error because I didnt shut down the computer before I closed it. Then the time in the corner said 3.30pm..I again thought this was because i just closed it with programs open, instead of shutting it down. I then checked the alarm again, out of paranoia, and well, there was the time on it..15.30 instead of 12.30. Darn that 24 hour clock. Ive wasted almost an entire day with my uncontrolled nap.
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