Sep 28, 2004 22:08
Well shit, i don't think i couldve possibly eaten more food today or I'd explode. It's my moms birthday, and i've been eating sweets up the ying-yang... i'm going to get type 2 diabetes by the time this day is over.
Speaking of this day, it couldve been a lot better. And by a lot better, I really mean A LOT better. Why does my world suck so much these past couple of weeks? it used to be so much fun to be me... but not anymore. Ah well, it's almost over. Maybe things will get better. I'm tired of not having a boyfriend. I dont even want the emotional attachment that much... how hard can this possibly be? I mean, come on. More disgusting people than me have gotten laid, why do i have to be out in the cold? Life is SO unfair. I should probably just kill myself.
I called kailyn for once but she was babysitting. Ironically coincidentally, she had called me whilst i was at school hanging with lovely joe and not doing newspaper work... she probably wanted to talk about the photography thing. Now that I have my story figured out, it's a lot easier to explain. Speaking of hell, I have to go to that class tomorrow... jesus, another lousy day
I think Joe looks and sounds like Paul Hamm, the gymnast... i'm not even joking.
I want someone to come over so they can gawk at my room... it looks like a magazine example. I'm such a G for designing it myself.
It's so hard to not be obnoxious during dinner at nice restaurants. :(