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Jun 06, 2010 12:53

I've been a college graduate for 3 weeks and a day and it still feels weird. "I'm not in college anymore." "I graduated!"

It's weird thinking about how I will be moving at the end of summer. (Though my stuff may be moved in at any time now.) Assuming I don't tailspin and fail out of school, I will not be back home (minus some holidays probably) for the next five years. Who knows, I may never come back home for real. I won't really live there, just be visiting. (Unless I fail at getting a job after I graduate... which would really crush my spirit to have a phd and no job prospects.)

I'm so nervous about living in a new, unfamiliar city. (And with no direct line of public transportation to it, it will be interesting to see how my "I don't need or want a car any time soon" boyfriend will ever actually visit me.) I really wanted to have an apartment on my own, to myself, just because I have never had that experience. -- One of the downsides to having a scholarship for all of my room and board to be paid for by the school if I lived in the dorms for the last 4 years. However, I am moving into an apartment with 2 girls that already go to school there, one 2 years ahead of me in the same grad program and one a senior undergrad. If I get to know nobody else (besides my cohort, which I hopefully mesh well with!), at least I will have two roommates that seem really nice and friendly. Super mario brothers for SNES in the living room seemed like a good sign, since it was my favorite SNES game cartridge. Other upside? Since the place is basically totally furnished, I don't *need* to bring anything with me except stuff for my room. And a dining room table, since there isn't one there. I may need to go buy more stuff for the summer though, if I move somewhere else when this lease is up. (Yay summer classes?) Worrying about that will come later though! Right now, I just have to worry about how I'll pay for everything, the shots I need to get before starting class, and juggling moving in there with my work schedule.

Being an 'adult' is going to take awhile to set in...

I hope that summer classes next year don't prevent me from going to my friend's wedding, assuming that this time his engagement makes it to the aisle.

I also hope nobody else I know gets married any time soon. It may be silly, but it kind of annoys me when people I know who have been dating for a significantly shorter time than me get engaged. I know a lot of people who just want to be married so badly, and then they meet someone who is not as crazy awful (or are!) as their previous girlfriends or boyfriends, and they immediately think they should marry them. And one of my friends was talking about considering an engagement with a terrible, abusive, enjoyment-draining, co-dependent guy for awhile... which thankfully ended a month ago. We even threw a party to celebrate it being over. But now she says she's in love. Again. With a new person. I just don't believe people when they say they are in love with everyone they date after a week or month of dating. If they're so quick to think that, they're going to miss out on the real thing one day. Just like people who close themselves off entirely. Why not find a happy medium?
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