Well, ladies, this is the end of... something. Somewhen. I've officially graduated from my lit/english school day before yesterday, and I got my examination results yesterday afternoon. Basically, I'm in the top 10/15% percent, which is unexpected but great, because even though it doesn't get me into the ENS (which would have been akin to a miracle, methinks), it's a free-way into whatever Uni course, double-course, exchange program, options/specializations, etc - anything I want.
Beautiful days, you lot.
the APH minibang. I'm not quite sure if we're allowed to share out our prompts, but ah hell, don't see why not, so here you go.
For them, the future was like a giant oxygen mask, as if there was nothing to breathe in the present. When the present was all there was ever going to be.
-Paint It Black by Janet Finch
Whoever finds which other fandom I'm doing a crossover with gets a cookie. :D
Also also: we should have a DCMK minibang, I dunno. Or something similar. In autumn. It'd be great.
Also also also: has anyone seen penguin these days? I haven't heard from her in a month. What happens?