Things That Really Sucked This Week: A List;
- uni. ):
- work is put off 'till next Monday, which might actually be a good thing if it didn't mean that I get to spend this week running around for filing forms and more paperwork;
- worst. bus ride. ever.
- administration helllllll
Things That Were Awesome This Week: A List;
also it should be mentioned that I own nothing among these; and most of them come from tumblr, so go figure;
- I'm actually writing! that feels rather amazingly good.
- this comic - on holmestice, and somewhat wonderful to boot.
- OH MY GOD WHAT Smaug/Bilbo fic (IDEK. also, dragon!porn, very very NSFW).
- this twitter exchange between Gatiss and Moffat that actually gives me great hopes for next season.
- this utterly adorable art of mini!Sherlock&John; this is a kiddy!fic I'd actually want to write.
- this adorable meme!fill and matching fanart casting Sherlock as John's kitten. Sweetest, ahh.
- the latest Two Two One Bravo Baker chapter is simply gorgeous. (NSFW, but that should go without saying.)
- BLACK BOOKS IS THE MOST AMAZING. THE MOST AMAZING EVER. Also: Martin Freeman with a strange haircut in the first episode, yes please.
- Sherlock is a harddrive; John is a disk repair program. Meme!fill. Endless d'awww.
- Karen Gillian. ♥
- sevenswells' gorgeous S/J blowjob, which I simply cannot stop looking at - look at John's little tummy and Sherlock's short hair and ahhhh (NNNNNNSFW.)
- THIS AMAZING ToNC COVER, JESUS. JUST LOOK AT IT, it's gorgeous and lovely and oh my god. Made by blanketforyourshock over on tumblr, and I'd probably smish the daylights out of them if I had the technology to do it through the Internet (except probably not because random Internet stranger-smishing would be slightly cumbersome) (but still) (the sentiment stands)
I think my adoration for Sherlock fandom is starting to show