Mar 07, 2008 16:27
Let's see....
Yesterday I went to Perry County, AL to do a teaching project. Perry county is the poorest counties in AL according to average household income. Samford likes to do volunteer work down there and such. Anyway, we are doing our research project and teaching project for community health this semester. So we made the hour and a half trek down there yesterday and got the twenty $15 vouchers for Food World and set up. We interviewed each person who came in (they required to have a child under a year or be pregnant). We asked them about their income, number of people in their house, and asked questions to understand their attitudes about breast feeding. I swear, it was like... empowering. Which sounds so cheesy. But anyway, the people I interviewed all acted interested in the information I taught them, and were really appreciative of us coming out. We brought muffins, juice, and tea for them to snack on, and crayons and a coloring book for the kids who were tagging along with their moms. They just don't have any resources. I mean, hell the whole county doesn't even have a hospital. We had some entertaining quotes though:
Leah, interviewing: So do either of you work outside the home?
Dad: yeah
Mom: Naw man, she don't mean like yardwork!
John: And how do your family and friends feel about breastfeeding?
Interviewee: My cousin says it rubs your nipples RAW!
Abby: Do you have any questions?
Interviewee: What about water?
Abby: Um, what about water?
Me: Do you have any questions?
Interviewee: What about tattoos?
Me: You mean, like is it ok for you to breastfeed if you have tattoos?
Interviewee: yeah
Me: I mean, how new is the tattoo?
Interviewee: oh it's old
Me: um then it should be fine....
(I couldn't bring myself to ask where the tattoo was located.)
Then we went to lunch at this little stand alone burger and shakes place which was really good. Then we had to interview the like, director of the health department. That was just kinda depressing and a bit over my head because I just don't understand legislature type things. So by the time we left at 3, I was more than ready. We also got stuck in traffic so I didn't get back til 5.
Then I took a quick nap before the social justice series at church. The lecturer was about the Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform (ACCR). The Alabama constitution is ridiculous. It was written in 1901 and has over 800 amendments. It's the longest constitution in the world and also has a bunch of tax laws, and county legislation included in it, which is just counterproductive. Last week we watched "It's a Thick Book" which was a highly entertaining documentary about it done by a high school senior (or new grad, not sure). Anyway, all this just seems very important, and part of me wants to keep working on it even when I leave the state.
Anyway, after that me and Caroline watched Bewitched and I fell asleep folded up in the recliner. At around 4:30 am I woke up and moved to my normal bed.
Today I cleaned the house!! It was pretty awesome actually. I was supposed to be doing homework, but sometimes I just really can't until my environment is cleared because my head is just so muddled. I'm behind, and I have a lot to do before Wednesday. I'm hoping maybe my management preceptor will just let me hang out one day and work on it while I'm at the hospital. I bet she would, I think I make her fall behind on her emails lol. For lunch I got a free sandwich at my SUANS meeting. A representative from a Mobile hospital came and talked to us about jobs there. There mission is LIFE. Really? That's all they could come up with? I mean, at a basic level isn't everyone's mission LIFE? ha. Anyway, me and Mary Beth just kinda goofed off during the meeting. So that was fun. When I came back I didn't get anything done. Soooo yeah, story of my life.