I want chinese food

Feb 25, 2005 16:56

I really want chinese food. Damn it. That and Im roasting at the moment.

Good thing has happened this week. I finally picked the song I'm gonna sing for celebration. And I'm gonna have live accompany to. Two of my very good friends and very good musicans are playing guitar for me and hopefully singing some harmony parts wiht me. They made me smile. Thanks Matt and Jay :)! The song is 'Reasons Why' by Nickel Creek. I love that song and it sorta explains me in a way. Bad part is auditions for Celebration are in 4 weeks. They need to learn the song in that time , practice together , then practice with me. I need to get my voice in shape and stop being sick. But we can do it but keep us in the prayers.

Yesterday was alright. Skipped Science Olympiad. Oh well. matt and Crysta took me to Mickey D's because i had to stay at school till 8:30 because I was voluenteering for academic track. Mand do I miss doing that. Oh well . Graded a bunch of tests for 4 hours. OH and at the end of the school day the lights went out. Mr. Bruessow let us roam the halls.

My like whole life is planned for the next 3 years. Very very busy. Im going to a month worth of camps this summer costing about $2,000. Pretty good prices. Another sucky thing we have to audition for colorguard now. God I hope I make it , I have like a 50% chance. Not so good. Oh well. But I'm busy beypond belief but I need to stay busy or bad things happen. Meh , its not that big of a deal. I'll just have more...alone time.

Today got up at 9:30 to watch brother while my mom took a shower. went to step dads work. Fun , not. Got a shmarock shake :) Not excited about having t o go to school 9-5 on Monday and everyone else gets to stay home. But I dont have to stay home with my mother.

Talk to ya'll later.
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