Title: Death isn't all bad
falling_dominosCharacters/Pairing: Slight!Jo/Death
Genre: Mostly Gen, Het(?) if you squint
Rating: PG
Theme Set: Contrasts
Prompt: Remain
Dominos TableSummary: Death isn't cruel, and finds something in common with another soul trapped under Lucifer's thumb
That's what she felt when she could feel anything but cold. It was pain.
She thought that when someone died the pain was supposed to stop, heaven was real and she'd done more than enough good to get there. Or so she thought.
“Pain.” A voice said, so simply and quietly, and her pain started again, it split her soul and left her screaming until she knew nothing but the pain and the screams.
The world continued on like that for days(weeks-months?) at least...she thought they were days, before it stopped enough to let her see what was going on around her. She was standing with a tall man, wearing a suit...who at the edges of her vision looked like a skeleton with a huge scythe and the souls of the damned clinging to his boots.
She didn't know who he was, but the tall man raised one finger and held it to his lips indicating to her to be silent, which she did out of shear instinct. He smiled slightly and shook his head, smoothing her hair down slightly to make her understand that he meant her no harm. He was Death, not her pain-master.
The tall man had dark and nasty looking runes carved into his neck. She reached to touch them but he recoiled easily out of her reach, shaking his head at her again. She nods and remains silent by his side.
The burned man she learns is Lucifer, and then...he's Sam...all the while, he will occasionally wish her pain, but the tall man merely rolls his eyes and grits his teeth until it passes. He never makes a sound...and when he looks at her she swears she sees pity.
While the two Archangels fight, Jo takes Death's hand and he doesn't stop her.
When everything's said and done, the battlefield's cleaned and looks like nothing's changed except for tire tracks where the impala had taken Dean away, Jo and Death remain. The runes on his neck disappear and he smiles a little, turning to look at Jo and holding his arm out like he wishes to take her for a stroll. She smiles slightly in return and takes his arm, turning to walk the world with him.
“Joanna, I am Death. Let me show you.” They leave that place, and he shows her who and what he is. She can't say she isn't shocked...but it's not so bad.