May 16, 2005 23:46
they want me to speak,
they think they will understand,
All they really belive in is holding you hand,
they wnat you scars to heal,
and you bruise to disapear they want you life to have NO fear,
They want my story in a 10 min span,
they just want to hold my hand,
tell me things will be okay
I want to breath,
heal the scars that once layed apon my wrist
I want to change but to speak
is a crime in mind
maybe I could hold it in forget about it all
maybe I would just forget it all
I relize the pain is there and it won't turn away
I mention the thought of scars and they jump to pray
THE SCARS might heal and the buises might blend into my skin
but the emotional life of me will some how never end.
Life is not easy and the thought to speak will not end,
sometimes i think it would be easier just to have a friend,
I want to feel the pain rise to the surface,
The blood to some how stay the thought of telling this
might not just be enough to say.
High schools hell,
they want to hold you hand through
do they hink they'll listen when you tell them its about you,
Guidance might be there but they will just call you parents
tell them you need to be on meds,
there is not a ear to listen and not a mouth to SPEAK