The time is here.... The last update of Generation One! :( I'm going to miss you Ariannah!
On the Previous chapter:
Twins aged to gorgeous Teens.
Along with Aidan as well.
Granparents moved out.
MJ learned to drive.
MJ and Aidan had prom and MJ was crowned King!
Matt had a midlife crisis after he aged to Adult.
Now lets get this chapter rolling!
After the kids aged, before their makeovers lol, Ari and Matt were flooded with wants for their new teens.
(If you had looked at Matt's want to move to a new house you would have seen his were filled with Marcus and Arielle too)
I love how they think a lot alike.
All of the children were flooded with wants to be BFF with one or more of their siblings. I love how they actually like each other.
But as a old save slowed I had to redo downloads and move the family to a newly fresh Winchester Farming Community and threw them into a house knowing I would be leaving soon with MJ.
And of course it was Ari's time to age up by the time I finished decorating the house to my standards. :)
And I still love her. Of course she upgraded to a mom do and I'm glad they all were there to celebrate with her.
They all even ate cake together too!
Before I forget here is a new look at their living/dining/kitchen area.
I just wanted it open and have lots of space in such a tight room. That way it's easy to get around. With 7 people and IF's walking the halls, it's good to have space.
(Have you noticed that even if someone can't see a siblings IF they still wait for them to walk by or move out of the way? EA should have done it like cars running through bicycle It would make more sense to me lol)
Of course outside Ari has her lovely place to paint.
Of course the next day after work Matt reached his LTW!!!!!!!!!!
GO MATT!!!!!!!!!!!!
To celebrate MJ made delicious Fried Turkey Legs.
Everyone enjoyed them. Ari kept going back for more and more even though she was stuffed!
MJ went around telling his sister and brothers to do their homework and would tell them good job after they finished. He's such a nice fella, he'll be a good daddy!
That night Matt had a want to find a lamp and with his 140,000 LTWP he got one!!
The genie was pretty nice.
He didn't really know what to wish for but he chose complete happiness.
His wish was granted.
Next morning the kids came down for breakfast.
Arielle: You know Aidan you're not suppose to make turkey legs for breakfast.
But everyone ate them anyways.
MJ deep fried a candy bar, which was way worse than the turkey leg for breakfast.
Before school started Arielle even got out some guitar songs while everyone finished eating.
Madox played by himself upstairs.
They all went to school and Ari got to be home alone once again.
She really enjoys the quiet. Don't let her fool you.
She even got some exercise out of the day as well.
Then she went on a bike ride to enjoy some of the town.
When the kids were home from school Madox wanted to set up a bake sale of his own. His IF Bobo aged and was able to help him out too.
Since the family was moved to a new world Aidan met a new girl. AND her name escapes me at the moment.
But they talked all evening on the porch until she had to head home.
They got along pretty well.
After coming home from school Arielle was given an opportunity to find a Rainbow Gem. So I sent her on her way to find one.
And she got in trouble. I didn't think doing something for school would get her in so much trouble, but it was late.
(I wish walking didn't take so much time in the game lol)
Mom was pretty furious!
But that didn't keep her and Matt from having some fun after the kids were finally all in bed.
The next morning Madox finished up some homework and Matt finished research.
Ari had completely forgotten that since she aged, Ambrielle must have too, so she headed over after she recieved a party invited.
Both Ambrielle and her husband aged at the party. It was a great night.
Ari even met Cliff their newest addition.
And Amber their oldest daughter was grown as well. She looked super excited to see Ari.
Amber: Thank you so much for coming Aunt Ariannah it has been a long time.
Ari: Aww thanks dear, it has been. I haven't even meet Oscar you're other brother.
(Jeeze this family is sooooo not close)
After getting home Ari was finally able to teach Arielle how to drive.
Marcus pretty much spent his time doing homework or playing on his tablet.
The next morning everyone was disqusted with all the turkey leg leftovers, but the only one willing to clean it up was Dad. And thank God for that!
He was pretty much the only one cleaning.
Ari's duties were to clean everything. Lol Duties...dodo...thats funny right there. lol
Sry I'll stop.................................
Any whooo...
Arielle spent most of her time with her IF Riley.
Who didn't seem to care how SLOW he was walking.
(Couldn't we speed up their slowness.)
That day Ari ran into a nice little dog.
They really seemed to like each other and Ari even invited it inside, but it ran away.
Sry Aidan no pet yet for you.
She enjoyed the swing outside for some time till she remembered it was time to celebrate Madox's bday.
The set up was ready, now just had to wait for the kids to get home from school and dad to get off work.
They even played some ball when they got home.
(I don't know y this pic is so dark, there must have been clouds infront of the sun or something. lol)
Everyone was soooo excited for their little one to grow up.
And handsome Madox was finally a teen.
(I have forgotten will add in soon)
Ari also got her LTW, raise 5 kids from babies to Teens.
Yayyyyy Ari!!!!
Everyone showed up even mom and dad and Ambrielle and her family.
Grandpa didn't look too please, but everyone enjoyed the party til wee hours in the morning.
Arielle became rather curious of the chemistry table and Madox and Bobo went at it with the pillow fighting.
(I'm glad they don't make messes with this cuz my people pillow fight EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY)
The next day Matt had to preform another clinic at the graveyard.
Such a weird place to have it.
Ooo I forgot to mention they got another fish and named it Judith the Second, since they had to leave the last one at their old home.
And even through all the kids and what not they still love each other.
Before we could even take a breath it was time for MJ to age as well.
Everyone was more than excited and I was a tad sad, this would mean the end to my first heir being in the main part of the story. T.T
Before MJ even aged, Amber, Ambrielle's daughter, spun around and aged to a pretty young lady.
And then did MJ!
(I love Ari's faces.)
Before the party even ended, Oscar, Ambrielle's son aged too!
It was like a birthday party bash everyone was aging.
Matt and MJ both talked for hours, I don't think he wanted MJ to leave just yet.
With all the aging, no one had taught Aidan how to drive yet, so Matt hurried over and they drove till the sunrise.
Next day was graduation!!
Amber was there too!
Everyone was handing out graduation gifts.
Matt gave MJ his truck!!! Which didn't make Madox very happy.
But everyone celebrated and Arielle even played some tunes.
Oscar came over and started snubbing Arielle. She hadn't even done anything to him.
Arielle: Hmph! Fine, be mean, IDC!
You'll be just fine Arielle.
So she went and cried to Riley all about it.
Right then I think she decided it was time to make Riley real, she couldn't stand not having anyone to talk to besides an IF, which made everyone think she was crazy.
She went back to the chemistry set and worked and worked til she could make the potion and she finally did! After hours!
And Riley was REAL!
Rolled: Great Kisser
LTW: Master Acrobat
Their love blossomed pretty fast after that.
I forgot to mention, Arielle made another potion and gave it to Madox to turn BoBo real as well.
I thought BoBo was a boy, but was shocked to see she wasn't.
I think Madox was shocked to.
Rolled: Couch Potato
No LTW yet
I hadn't planned on them being together, but Madox....
had other plans.....
And once the night came, Matt rolled his want to move out and that meant it was time.
I'll leave it at that and hope you come back to join Generation TWO!!!