Mar 06, 2005 14:05
hahaha I feel so naughty!!!! Alright so this lady calls and is like HELLO! I'm from the democratic party then she starts talking about how Bush is making cut backs and things and you can help change that in 2006 if you donate a small sum of 200 dollars. So I'm like oooh sorry I'm 16 and don't even have that much she says oh well are your parents home? and I'm like no but it's not like they would donate anyways, they're both republicans...yes I lied. My dad is independent and my mom isn't even registered. So then she was like oh I'm sorry to hear that, well you have a nice day. In all honesty, I do love the democratic party, when I turn 18 I'm registering as a democrat, yet I hate it when they call looking for money. If we wanted to donate we would look around and then donate our money. Yet the democratic party is the last place I want to donate my money to. John Kerry's wife is like a Billionare...why doesn't she donate a few millions to the campagn? What about all the other rich( I know, unrealistic here huh? :S) democrats in office? It's just that at the moment, if I had the money, I would donate it to something like the diabetic fund of america or something like that...
Just a little peice of my madness for the day.