Jan 14, 2013 09:18
Truth is, I tried to hard to hold on to everything. I want to believe that I could hold onto everyone in my life when in reality, that isn't how it works. You can't hold back because of someone else, be cautious of people's feelings yes, but do not let them guide your actions. You can't make the world happy, or even everyone in your life. You can only do you, and just accept that some people will understand and some won't.
The truth is you have to start telling the truth.
A man is made up of one thing and one thing alone, integrity. Without we have no value. We mean nothing to no one. So learn from these past mistakes and misjudgments, so that you may preserve and restore your integrity to the state it should be at. Not everyone will look at you the way you want to be seen, but as long as you can look at yourself and believe that you have done your best- your complete and utter best- and you are proud of that image, then that's all that matters.