Feb 09, 2005 19:34
well i got to school and found out are math test was post-poned and put back to tomorrow and that was the only damn reason why i went to school because i could've stay home..i mean i was getting early dismissal anyways so wtf?! that sucked..
left school early around 3ish and went to the Ortho place and well see i thought and so did everyone else, that i was getting my wisdom teeth but turns out one of my braces in the back fell off and like made its way into my gum..my gum formed over it and its all inflammed but all you could see was like a bump or whatever and there was even like a white spot that would pass as a tooth..so they took x-rays and then yanked it out not telling me or anything..my gums starting gushing blood..and let me tell you that was some serious hardcore pain right there..and after all that i fucking forgot to ask the Doc when i get these damn suckers off so i asked the front desk nurse lady to talk to the lady would like fixed my teeth during the app. and she came up to me and was like oh well i know when you are getting them off but i can't tell you the Doc has to..i was like why? its not a secret! shes like thats the way it is and i walked out..
once i got home i made some awesome peanutbutter chip cookies GO ME!! then i took a nap..cried a little from all the pain and mixed emotions..then i did my math homework and now i'm here typing this rather long enrty..well its long compared to all my others so yea well since i said everything that needs to be said i'm gone!
Oh and notice that the heart is not broken..haha just for you Kirstin haha:P