Feb 15, 2005 19:04
What time is it? 7:05 PM
******the basics******
1. Name: Ashley
2. Birthday: April-25th-1988
3. Location: Massachusetts
4. Where else have u lived: Massachusetts
5. School/mascot/colors: Peabody High School/Bull/Blue and White
6. Zodiac sign: taurus
7. Shoe size: 9
8. Height: 5'2 1/2"
9. Weight: 126 lbs
10. Pets: 2 dogs and 1 cat
11. Siblings: 1 sister, 1 brother
12. Eye color: Blue/ green
13. Hair color: dirty blond
14. Hair lenth: a little longer than my sholders
15. Ever dyed ur hair?: yah
16. What color?: Red : /
17. Grade: Sophomore 10
18. Are u good in school?: oh yah lol NOPE
19 hobbies: Talkin on the phone, chill with my friends , Talkin online, Sleeping
20. Nicknames:ashy.... Rock!!.. shorty..... loco..
21. What languages do you speak? English an a little spanish
22. Do you play sports? Ummm...does sittin on the couch an changin the channel count lol
23. Where were you born? salem
24. Are you a night or a morning person? Night
25. Are you ticklish? why who wants to kno lol
26. Do you have any other screen names?:maybe
27. What are they?: to many to put
28. Do you have braces?: yes but hopfuly i get them off soon .. fingers crossed lol
29. Do you have glasses/ contacts?: Glasses
!!!!!!getting personal!!!!!!
30. What do you want to be when you grow up? just like you!!
31. What was the worst day of your life? ummm...not gunna say!!
32. What is your most embarrassing story? like id tell u!
33. What has been the best day of your life? only if i new !!
34. If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? Back of my head dur where eles whould i put them lol
35. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Whatever is on my mind...
36. Movie: Finding nemo
37. Song: Taproot ....pome
38. Band/group: Greenday.. Linkin park
39. Store: ur momma
40. Relative: My Dad...
41. Sport: FOOTBALL...BAseball
42. Vacation spot: Florida
43. Fruit: strawberries
44. Candy: KIt KAts
45. Car: Mustang
46. Class: English
47. Holiday: My B-Day,
48. Day of the week: Friday
49. Color: Blue .. pink.. black!!!