The True Meaning Of Black Tears. =(

Jan 13, 2005 20:44

Ya. so... If you have ever felt the way I feel right now.. and still be able to pull of a smile, and walk with your head held high... well it would be amazing... I dont know how im doing it. Im just glad I have friends to keep me standing tall... I have some quotes that might help you know how i feel friend now.

"And I can't make it on my own.Because my heart is in Ohio.So cut my wrists and black my eyes. So I can fall asleep tonight, or die.
Because you kill me.
You know you do, you kill me well.
You like it too, and I can tell.You never stop until my final breath is gone." - Thats a song... and well i relate to it in a lot of ways...

1. Inside I feel like my heart has been ripped out and cut into little bits and put back in.
2.And the worst part is that the person knows how i feel.
3.This is the true meaning of Black Tears.

Next Quote...
" _NeVeR LeT SoMe1 bECoMe yOuR_
* E v E r y T h i N g *
_CaUsE OnCe ThEir gOnE yOu hAvE_
* N o T h i N g *"
-This relates to me... in a lot of ways too...
1. I gave him my all and i am left with nothing but a broken heart
2. the thing thats sucks is he has a gf and i should be used to this by now but im not... ehh i cant even stay online with out crying... goodnight.... fuck the world b4 it fucks you thats all i gotta say
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