Jun 13, 2010 09:31
Things are rolling along quite smoothly in my life right now, and for the first time in many, many years, I'm... content. Happy, even. My life is full of wonderful people whom I love, who make me feel like a proper person instead of the drain on society I've felt I've been for a while now. I'm getting out and about, meeting new people, doing new things and generally living life instead of watching it drift past.
I'm really enjoying married life.
It's not perfect by any means, I have my problems and I'm back on medication for anxiety. I also get the feeling though that the reason I'm finally able to enjoy myself is that my brain chemistry's been so buggered up for the last couple of years that I've not been -able- to enjoy myself. Now my mind's a little clearer and I'm not terrified 24/7 (just a lot of the time. I'll never be fear-free, I've come to terms with that) I'm finding I want to do more with myself.
I've applied for TAFE to do commercial cookery, if I get in it'll be a year. I might combine it with an apprenticeship or something, become a chef. I dunno.
I'm also sewing like mad with my amazing mother-in-law whom I adore. She's funny, talented, humble, helpful and the sweetest lady in the world. We get on like a house on fire, going out for coffee and shopping and nattering like two old ladies. We have sewing days where we just sit down and do what we're best at - I draw out patterns and cut fabric and Barbara sews things up. It's brilliant.
Last weekend was Pencampwr, a medieval event held by the SCA, canton of Abertidwr. It's a camping weekend with classes, fights, general pomp and ceremony and a few competitions. There was also a market day, where I set up shop with some of the stuff that Barbara and I had made previously, and we sold quite a chunk of it. It's nice to have your work vindicated by people who know what they're talking about :)
Yay life.