The following people have been not only removed, but banned from my journal, so you don't clog up my userinfo.
a FEW of you I would really like to readd. If you commented to my post, but I still removed you; It was because I unfortunatley am not interested in your life, as you never comment on mine (comon, i rarely update!! you could at least comment with a HI THERE) Sorry to be harsh, but I could be harsher. No hard feelings though, if we're in any communities together, I still have no problems with you!
To those who are banned but would like back on, please comment (of course it'll have to be annonymously) with you USERNAME and WHY you want to be back on.
_____twilightangeliccrushbabygirl_49 baleeted_soul88ballinbrunett04c0mplexdreamercarameldeluxxdress_to_killx3empathy015false_smiles82fr0zentearzfwapachinojacqui_dkrzy_dorkmeg0z_79pianodude34shezfreakyso_unbalancedxsupa_gurlx