Okay, I have been doing some thinking, which is always dangerous, and I have made some decisions. Here we go:
le_remede has moved to its new permanent home over on Dreamwidth. Yay! This is where we will be updating it from now on. Yes, you are waiting on me for the next section. Sorry, I'M TRYING. You can comment on it with OpenID, just like you could on IJ, if you don't have a DW account.
I have decided to move all of my posting permanently over to DW. I'm going to get my LJ journal imported over to DW sometime in the near future, and then I'll be disabling comments on my LJ. (Note: in the near future for me = maybe someday in the next three months.) Once my paid time on LJ is up, I'm done. Why? For a lot of reasons, but the latest round of fail advertising on LJ was the last straw. They are not getting one more penny of my money, ever. I will happily support DW with my dollars, my posting, and by spreading the word, however. Dreamwidth plans to be ad-free forever, is gorgeous, runs like a dream, is better organized, and actually listens to and communicates with its userbase. Even when they screw up (which isn't very often or very badly) they are doing an awesome job. It's still in open beta without all the bells and whistles the owners want to implement, but it's already a better place to be than LJ, I think.
If you want to know how to follow me on DW without an account, or are interested in creating a free account over there, PM me on LJ or on DW, comment here, or email me and I will be happy to help you or walk you through it.