Obligatory DW Policy Post

Apr 25, 2009 16:06

I have found from my experience on LJ that the people who want to follow me and the people that I want to follow typically fall into different categories, so I am a fan of the shiny DW setup that separates the two.

As always, I'm waffling on who will be granted access to read locked posts, not just for my sake, but for everyone else's. I will probably be stepping up the personal posts over here, because I have a lot of things I'm working through and, surprise surprise, writing about them tends to help me figure them out. I can only think of about five of you who would possibly be interested in that, though.

Basically anything even vaguely related to my personal life will be locked. That's due to necessity. As usual, any fandom posts (er, when they happen again) will be public. You're welcome to request for me to grant access if you want it. I tend to assume that no one cares about my ranting and navel-gazing except for me and therefore no one should be subjected to it, but if that's a false assumption, go ahead and ask.

However - some of the same policies will apply at DW. If you're under 18, if you have an empty journal and I don't know you, if you post only in a language I cannot read at all, or if I don't have a logical way of determining how you came to this journal, I won't be granting you access to locked posts unless you can give me a detailed explanation.

I'll be crossposting to LJ for the time being. Eventually I may move over to DW altogether, but I haven't decided yet.

journal policy

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