01 → [video]

Apr 18, 2011 22:40

[Anyone paying attention to the network this evening will note that a feed has clicked on to reveal a dim shot of one of Nescreca's many dilapidated churches, although it may be difficult to tell that's what it is, as whoever is in possession of the PDA is moving briskly around the room. Occasionally the movement stills enough for the camera to focus on something like a relic or crumbling column, and finally a bench in such large splinters it could easily gore someone not paying quite enough attention.

Then the shot swings, twisting in a dizzying fashion, and a young woman's face appears, tense and pale in the dying light. Her breathing is ragged and she stares into the video for a long moment before any emotion actually flickers over her face. This is not home and that makes it hell on Earth. At length, she dredges up a smile weakened by the stress lines at the corners of her mouth. The exhausted quiver of her mouth may hint at just how long she's been pacing.

Normally, this would be there she would ask something polite but strained like "Excuse me, I seem to be lost. Could anyone please direct me to the nearest phone?" Tonight, however, Nescreca only gets silence.]


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