Mar 12, 2009 04:09
this week has been rough. today i had an exam and a project due and tomorrow, well technically today since it is 410 in the morning, i have another project and an exam due. friday is spring break I can't wait to hang out with debra and kristen and see my family. and do boom box bud stuff with maria and cass. I also need to do a lot of studying and work, but since I don't have a job anymore I have a lot more free time. I also need to hang out with devon!!! i miss the crazy fun shit times we had in redbank, in my car, at wawa and with mother nature.
I thought i had learned a lot lot since last year but I find myself feeling right now how i felt exactly at this time last year. i dont know how to stop feeling like this. It kind of excites me and gives me something to think about but i know im wasting my energy and emotions, but what's a silly girl like me to do.
I find myself thinking of you always. whenever i see apple jacks, hot chocolate, puddles, rent, and mostly whenever I listen to archie star, it sucks but I guess i will always have a part of you on my mind.
im weird. drugs are cool, and so are my best friends. maria,debra,cass,nicole,dan,rach,marites,ash,devon the boys. I made amazing friends recentley too and I never realized how i love new friends and hanging out with them. i love ash,carly,cory,lisa and sam. i just love life right now, but i also am lonely right now, but its alright. Im okay with it right now.
Last semester when i loved being single, i met you and i was cautious and didnt realize what i had, and now i want it back and i dont wanna be single. weird. right.
I also need to stop thinking that I am inferior to everyone, its hurting me.
shennaniganing with nicole is amazing, and soire is my favorite word.