Tweets of the day!

Jun 04, 2009 22:01

  • 23:08 Laugh if you will but it wasn't just Stewie mocking was GOD!!!! *clutches chest dramatically* #
  • 23:41 Time to enter the Cone Zone. Bacon flavored vodka? Excuse me while I vom. #
  • 00:01 I'm glad I gave Coco Christopher a chance. That was hilarious. #
  • 00:33 Pepsi Cola Throwback...with natural sugar? Does that mean that they use...unnatural sugar in all the rest or something? #
  • 00:34 How about no, Sheryl Crow. #
  • 00:40 Are any of my LJ peeps having issues accessing your userpics? I have a new Adam Lambert I want to use and I can't seem to change them. #
  • 01:17 I know that Conan had been off for a bit...but I really do hope the name "Coco Christopher" sticks...YOUTWITFACE! #
  • 01:23 I finally had to use IE to change some of my LJ icons. :/ #
  • 17:36 Coding even a simple HTML code to post pictures is so hard when you're drugged. lol #
  • 20:10 Apartment shopping sucks. No animals over 25lbs and you have to pay $500 per pet at all of them unless you pick a place in the ghetto. Eugh. #
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