Character Information

Sep 07, 2012 21:38

NAME: Vergil
SERIES: Devil May Cry
CANON POINT: End of Devil May Cry 3
AGE: Early 20's
GENDER: male

Serious to a fault and cool to the point of ruthlessness, Vergil is the foil for Dante. Where Dante is loud, brash, and protective of those he meets, Vergil is quiet, studious, and rational with the willingness to sacrifice others in order to achieve his goal. He fixates on gaining strength and connecting to their demon father Sparda with single-minded determination. He's dedicated and honorable, but so consumed by perfectionism that it makes him distant and hard to approach. After the loss of his mother, Vergil became critical of human weakness and tends to take a negative view toward humans and those who are weak. He, in turn, strives to overcome his own weaknesses so that he cannot be taken advantage of.

On the other hand, Vergil does have some feeling toward his family. He is ardently protective of the sword, Yamato, a keepsake from his father, and his half of the Perfect Amulet that he received from his mother. Despite clashing repeatedly with Dante, he also shows some affection toward his twin. He admonishes Dante when they fight and tells him that power is everything. He repeats that later when he questions why Dante won't take
Sparda's power as well. In the battle with Arkham, Dante and Vergil work together and Dante asks Vergil if he remembers what they used to say. Vergil responds and acknowledges the bond they had as children. He is stubborn, sardonic, and ruthless in battle, but not uncaring. At the end of the game, he warns Dante to leave the Demon World and intentionally falls deeper into it, leaving Dante with no opponent and therefore nothing to keep him there.

Vergil is a severe and harsh older twin, but he still gives Dante preference and seems to have a strong respect for family bonds. He references their father repeatedly and also see ms to try to appeal to that connection to make Dante understand his motives. They don't think alike and it doesn't work, but he still makes that effort.

In Devil May Cry 3, Vergil lived with his family as a child and for a while life was normal. Unfortunately, Eva died in a demon attack and that changed the lives of both of her sons. But while Dante turned his strength toward saving humans, Vergil pursued the power of his father, left in the Demon World. Seeking to become a powerful demon like Sparda to overcome the weakness he saw in humans, Vergil learned that the Temen-ni-gru could be unlocked using the power sealed within the Force Edge and the Perfect Amulet. However, Eva had left each of the boy's half of the amulet. This meant he had to track down Dante's half of the amulet and release the seals Sparda had put into place. Using the ambitions of a man named Arkham, Vergil managed to steal Dante's half of the amulet and find the answer to releasing the seals. Soon after, Arkham betrayed him and tried to take Sparda's power for himself. This lead to a brief cooperation between the twins, which only lasted until Arkham's defeat. Dante and Vergil returned to fighting immediately after and Vergil fell deeper into the Demon World.

OTHER NOTES: He tends to be aloof and stubborn, but isn't quite as bad as he seems. Also, he enjoys reading!
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