(no subject)

Aug 02, 2005 23:31

i am sick and tired of all the drama and complaining. including my own.

it`s so hard to be strong
when you love the thing
that makes you the
w e a k e s t

-- HeS My MiStAkE, My WeAkNeSs, ThE ReAsOn I LaUgH, ThE ReAsOn I CrY, ThE ReAsOn I LiVe, ThE ReAsOn I DiE, ThE ReAsOn I LoVe, ThE ReAsOn I HaTe, ThE ReAsOn I HoLd On, ThE ReAsOn I WaiT, I LoVe HiM, I HaTe HiM, I CaNt LeT HiM Go, He MaKeS Me WeAk, He MaKeS Me GrOw, I DoNt UnDeRsTaNd It, I JuSt DoNt KnOw WhY, I ShOuLdNt LoVe HiM, He MaKeS Me CrY, HeZ EvErYtHiNg IvE ALwAyZ HaTeD, WhY Iz ThiS So CoMpLiCaTeD, CuZ HeZ My EvErYtHiNg AnD WiThOuT HiM I HaVe NuThiN --

Maybe sometimes you have to stop
waiting for someone to come along
and fix whats wrong.. maybe you
have to stop feeling sorry for your
self & realize that no one else has
the answer.. sometimes you have
to be your [ own ] hero

sometimes you overlook the truth
just to believe your own lies x/3

when someone you love abandons you, it doesn't hurt just
because they've changed or lied or went back on their promises,
but because you know what they really are & what a beautiful person
they can be & they take that away from you & won't let you see that
beautiful person again
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