Nov 09, 2003 09:43
i know everyone was really concerned...really, i do, so...i figured an update on my recent tragedy was in order.
zeph had my blue lighter and gave it back promptly upon returning home and reading my entry. and i found my other one that got stolen at work...but i just left it where it was. because someone needed it and i had one, so...ya know?
work tonight was utter hell. it would've been even if i'd been fully rested. i got there and it was super busy. and it stayed super busy for the next four solid hours. then it slacked off until about 3:30 and then we were super busy again until about 6. but something saved the day. my knowlege of mind and mood altering substances.
double dose of ephedrine + bottled ginseng extract + KMX energy drink consumed as soon as i got to work, plus another kmx later on, towards the end of my shift...not so much for my body as for my brain. i am a very firm believer in ginseng now. i would have been unable to function at work without my legal drugs. five minutes after the ginseng shot, i could think clearly and was very on my feet and ready to go. then the ephedrine kicked in and i was in top gear for a bit, but you crash after stuff like that, which happened, and happened hard. i didn't take more though because a) i don't really like how it feels and b) if i had i wouldnt be able to go sleep (oh joy) in about ten or fifteen minutes like i'm planning on doing.
i talked to my boss about getting my schedule changed. he was willing to work with me. that's very good news. i want to keep my saturdays, though. i really, really like my coworkers on saturdays. they are good people, good workers. and they're intelligent. all of them are a little too intelligent for waffle house.
(08:47:08) (wwcarpen) ive just moved to pittsburgh
(08:47:25) (wwcarpen) on my new wireless lan right now
(08:48:17) (senseEEM) sick
(08:49:44) (senseEEM) nice work
(08:57:23) • Quits: wwcarpen ( : [ Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ]
obviously, very nice work. ;)
i have a lot more to say but it'll have to wait...after my hashbrowns, yoohoo, and silence, i'm very eager to go visit my bed. starting this mp3 totally just kicked that feeling into full gear. i will have absolutely no trouble sleeping tonight.
goodnight, moon.