Aug 27, 2005 19:02
So i have a problem and i need help so give me some advice! Ok im still in love with JJ even though he has lied to me time after time and yes i have cheated on him but i would rather him do the same then lie about it i just want him to be honest and not hide anything from me. All i wanna do is trust him but its hard cuz all guys do is lie to me about stuff. The other part of the problem is kyle someone i deeply care about cuz hes funny smart and really sweet and he actually cares about me and its just wierd becasue im stuck with a desicion i can't figure out! they both know and there not to happy but i wanna be happy too and its not possible cuz i have to hurt someone! i don't want to lose no one there both good friends and they both care about me alot. the phsycic told me who i would be better off with and thats jj because all the mistakes hes made in my relationship hes realizeing how much i mean to him and that no gurl will ever compare and she told me what would happen and what has happened and then if i was to choose the path with kyle i would ruin my life because i would fall in love with someone who would make me feel lonely because his world revolves around his friends and he would end up leaveing me at home while he parties! she also said i would get pregnant at an early age too and i don't want that. but the things i am looking at is jj stopped talking to all his friends for me he dosen't talk to no gurls and he even stop talking to his best friend so he wouldn't go to other gurls houses. kyle on the other hand goes to parties in ingleside and talks to his ex too and gurls go to his house who i know they have liked him before cuz he told me and she was with him in corpus the other day and i know he would never give up anything like that for me i wouldn't ask him to either its his choice wether he would do it or not! He told me he has had chances to mess around with gurls but he choses not to because he wants me! and jj has only kissed one gurl since me well actually she was all over him and she didn't know him her name was santana what kind of name is that for a gurl!???! thats the only thing he has done but we werent together so it dosen't really matter yea i hate the gurl but oh well. ive done wrong hes done wrong no one is perfect! So you see how confused i am how do i decide is there some kind of test i should give them to see who cares about the most?! i know they both care about me because of the whole virginity thing and i feel bad for that i really do they deserve better to me i don't want to hurt them they mean alot to me but in different ways! anyways today i did nothing but go to work and church now im home and very alone just thinking of the right thing to do! well ttyl bye!