1. What was the last meaningful thing you did?
ummmmm i helped a bunch of people in history with their computer problems ...??
2. Tell about your first love.
... pass
3. What do you wish you could tell your parents?
a lot of my feelings that i know i'll never say ... i should do that 10 thingy sarah and jenny did
4. What is the one thing you would never do, no matter how much money was offered?
ummm put myself up to prostitution
5. What are your favorite sounds?
MUSIC!!! and laughing!!
6. How do you "get over someone"?
... i have yet to figure that out. if anybody knows, please tell me. it would be greatly appreciated
7. Do you like cartoons?
sure why not
8. Have you ever contemplated suicide?
9. How old were you when you gave/received your first kiss?
10. How do you deal with anger?
cry and try to talk to someone if they're around
11. What is your opinion on bisexuality?
its fine, i don't care ... let people be free to do what they want
12. In a perfect world, what would you be?
100% happy and content
13. How tall are you?
14. Do you ever feel invisible?
oh gosh ... yes ... i was singing that today!!! "excuse me, did i do something wrong? i get invited then IGNORED all night long!"
15. Would you be willing to go on Temptation Island?
not really sure what that is ... but no
16. Do you keep a journal?
17. What is the most unusual gift you bought for somebody last Christmas?
ummm i dunno, i guess i buy pretty normal presents
18. Has anybody ever had a crush on you?
19. When was the last time you had a crush?
20. Why do you fail?
... *sigh* ... because i'm scared it won't work out
21. Do you write snail mail to anyone or do you mostly email?
both, but mostly email
22. How do you feel about pornography?
ew gross
23. What is heaven like?
pure happiness and peace ... there is nothing better
then again, i can't be sure ... i've never been there
24. What do you have on your walls?
posters / pictures / paint
25. What is hell like?
but once again, i've never been there
26. What is the most embarrassing CD in your collection?
uhhhhhh Hanson
27. What is in your fridge right now?
... food
28. What is your date of birth?
January 31
29. What type of beach do you prefer?
the ocean!! and it has to be HOT out
30. If you could talk to yourself as a five year old for five seconds, what would you say?
lol ummm ... good question
31. If Satan appeared to you right now, what would he say?
lol i dunno what HE'D say, but i'd be scared
32. What should people pay more attention to?
their own feelings ... and how you affect others
33. Left handed or right?
34. What about you would surprise other people?
i'm scared of commitment
35. What is your favorite poem?
not sure
36. What is a guilty pleasure you have?
i dunno
37. What is the best way to "get some"?
lol i wouldn't know
38. What book changed your life?
no book has really changed my whole life, but i've read some good books before
The Baby Years
1. Did your parents ever choose a name for you and change it at the last minute? they weren't sure ... they were deciding on Tara, Heather, or Kyra
2. What was the name that finally appeared on your birth certificate? Tara Rochelle Malburg
3. Were you christened? yes
4. Did you have an elder sibling when you were born? nope ... i'm the eldest
5. When was your birthdate? January 31
6. What is your astrological sign? Aquarius
7. Were there any difficulties or problems with your health when you were born? nope
8. What’s your mothers name? Peggy
9. What’s your fathers name? Eric
10. What kind of baby were you? i'm not sure ... i can't remember
11. Did you cry or sleep through the night? oh man i cried and cried and cried
12. Do you have many photographs from this time? omg yes a TON
13. What colour hair did you have? brown when i was born ... turned blonde though
14. What colour eyes? blue
15. How old were you when you first learnt to walk? let me ask ... 12 months
16. What was your first word? da da most likely
The Toddler Years (Aged 2-4)
17. When you first learnt to walk, did you grab anything in sight? Probably.
18. Did you ever overcome any serious illnesses? i don't think so
19. Did your mother ever take you to any special classes for your age group? ... preschool?
20. What were you learning at this time? ... my ABC's
21. Were you a good or bad toddler? lol probably a mix of both.
22. Were you ever naughty? well yes, we all were
23. Do you remember who your friends were? yeah, these twins Kala and Kelly went to my daycare, and Morgan
24. What holidays/vacations did you take? the Smokey Mountains
25. Do you remember any particular toys/presents you got for your birthday and Christmases? dolls and stuff
26. What pets did you have at this time? fish
27. Did you believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, or the Easter Bunny? YES omg
28. What were your favourite food and drink? i have no idea
29. What were your favourite toys? baby dolls
30. Were you possessive of your mother? very
31. Did you cry a lot? most likely
32. Did you sleep well? yes
33. What were you afraid of? the dark
The School Years (Aged 5-11, First/primary/elementary School)
34. How old were you when you first started school? 5.
35. Do you remember your first day? no!! how sad
36. Did you cry? at school? yes ... i do remember crying at school
37. Did you make friends easily? i suppose
38. What were your favourite subjects? music
39. Who was your first best friend? Kala, Kelly D, Alyssa I, Megan W
40. What were your teachers names?
Kindergarten: Mrs Chapman
Year 1: Mrs Smead
Year 2: Mrs Wrobleski
Year 3: Mrs Mimikos
Year 4: Mrs Mimikos
Year 5: Mrs Hughes
41. What sort of games did you used to play at break time/recess? the swings mostly ... sometimes Red Rover or house
42. Were you always on your own or with friends? with my friends
43. What subjects were you bad at? lol none really
44. So what kind of child were you at these ages? shy, good at school
45. What were your favourite toys? barbies, baby dolls, beanie babies
46. What were your favourite colours? pink
47. What were your favourite things to do outside school? see friends
48. What were your favourite food and drink? i have no idea....pizza and pop most likely
49. Did you start to like any music around this time? well of course ... backstreet boys, spice girls ...
50. What was the colour of your hair and eyes (did it change over time)? blonde and blue ... didn't change
51. Did you have siblings? 3 younger brothers ... ryan came during 2nd grade
52. New pets? peanut in kindergarten, katie until 2nd grade, nibbles in third, and thumper ever since third
53. Were you a bully? no
54. Did you always get your own way? not ALWAYS
55. Did you do any extracurricular activities? chior and girl scouts
56. Did you love or hate school? i loved school
57. What was your favourite year/grade? 1st grade ... that was a good class ... so was 3rd
58. Did you ever have chicken pox? yeah in preschool though.
59. What were you afraid of? probably the dark, and heights, and talking to people i didn't know
60. Were you creative? well, i loved art.
61. What were your favourite movies? anything disney
62. Did you have birthday parties? yes, every other year usually
63. Did you have friends over for playtime and dinner often? yes!!! lol kala was banned to eat at my house after a certain grade, because we got to crazy
64. Who were you closest to? it changed from year to year ... mostly kala and sarah though
The Teenager and Puberty Years (Aged 12-16).
65. How old were you when you first noticed you were ‘changing?’? ummm 6th - 7th grade ... 11 or 12ish
66. Did you begin puberty early or later? uhhh i dunno
67. Were you looking forward to high/secondary school? yes very much so
68. How did you used to dress? well, this is current ... so i dress like i do
69. Did you worry about how you looked? yes
70. Who were your friends? a lot of people
71(a). Were you bullied? not really
71(b). Were you popular? no
72. Did you enjoy school? yes for the most part.
73. What were your favourite subjects? english and drama
74. What did you excel in? english
75. What were you bad at? math ... i've always hated math
76. Who were your favourite teachers? mr meyer
77. Did you ever get into trouble? yeah, not hugely though
78. Girls: How old were you when you started your period? ummm lol personal
79. Girls: How old were you when you started to wear a bra? lol once again, personal!! ... 5th or 6th grade
80. Did you ever try smoking between these ages? no
81. Drugs? no
82. Alcohol? with my parents around, yes
83. Sex? no
84. Did you have many boyfriends? lol no not many.
85. Did you ever skip or runaway from school? no
86. Backchat to your teachers? not to their face
87. Did you belong to any particular groups or cliques? no, just my friends
88. What kind of teenager WERE you? lol WEIRD
89. What was your favourite music? anything i like
90. Did you argue with your parents? yes
91. What did you enjoy doing outside of school? friends, movies, mall
92. Did you do well in tests or exams? mostly
93. Were you a daydreamer or a top student? daydreamer
94. Did you read a lot? yeah! i love to read
95. Were you shy, confident or outgoing? shy and outgoing ... it depends who i'm around
96. Did you stay out late? no
97. Did you prefer to stay at home rather than go out? no!!!!
98. Did you enjoy parties? yeah!
99. Did you have school dances/discos? yes
100. Did you hate or love life at this time? a bit of both
101. Were they the best years of your life? well, they've held my best moments and my worst ...