Sep 01, 2004 23:35
I thought it through and my worst brings out the best in you.
Oh boy...quite a day. I was in a rather bad mood when I came this morning for reasons I would rather not discuss, and my bad mood lasted all day. First period we had a meeting with our guidance counselors to go over graduation and college and such. It was really boring and my transcripts are wrong, so I have to go back to Mrs. Baker tomorrow and fix them. By the time second period came I was crying because I was really mad at a certain person in first period. I didn't understand anything that was going on in the class either because I, once again, forgot my calculator so I couldn't keep track of what we were doing. This girl pushed me in between classes and that made me kind of angry. I thought my history project was due next week, but it was due today. The project was worth four test grades. I can't afford those zeros. We were watching 1776 when I had an epiphany. It was a really weird, really sudden feeling of understanding. I finally decided what I want to do when I get older. I've had a minor for the past three years, but no major. It's about time I picked one. Nothing bad happened in band class. Sam ditched me at lunch to help Humama hang posters. I would have been okay with that if he had told me instead of letting me stand for twenty minutes in the heat waiting for him. Then, when he finally showed up, he knocked all of my stuff on the ground. I discovered I have a psychology test tomorrow on stuff I don't know because I was absent so much last week. One day I will be healed. I don't feel like talking about band practice...ugh. I knew my happiness couldn't last. I know why it stopped though because I really don't think that was a coincidence. It happens too often to be considered a coincidence.
I lost my band shirt already. That makes me angry too. My lyre is broken..also angering. I'm not happy with the game being moved to Thursday night.
(: more for my specials later :)