(no subject)

May 18, 2008 11:17

Somebody pleeeease post a happy, positive, at least one aspect of their life is going good for them post. I feel like all I've seen lately are negative, bitter, or unhappy posts. This doesn't refer to everyone or even one person in particular... but the majority of posts I've read lately... It's not even a response to anyones post as of late... I've been feeling this way for months... so... with that said... hopefully assumptions won't be made.

I need hope that at least SOME things are going well for people...
It makes me sad that some people are so unhappy with their lives at the moment...
Or that there is nothing positive to be said...
I wish I could help make things better. I know I can't make things better for everyone.

It is so unfortunate, but sometimes I feel like I can't reach out to people and make them feel better because they don't want that from me or they just don't care... Let people help you! Listen to someone who is not necessarily your best friend.

Like I was discussing with Jenna yesterday, what is so wrong with people who are "mere acquaintances" just going out and having a coffee and talking about life? Maybe that's what we need... to branch out....Maybe some people just a wish that their closest friends will be there for them... or as Jenna suggested maybe so many people have just been treated with such indifference in their lives that that is all they can really feel.. maybe they don't know how to react to someone trying to reach out to them. I really don't know... but it makes me sad... but still she told me not to give up. Never give up because even if people don't listen or they act indifferent, there are always those you will make an impact on... keep being who you are, even if you don't get a response.

All I've really ever wanted to do in life was take the negative things in my life and make them into positives. I haven't always succeeded... but I try...

I am so full of love for other people... and I guess sometimes that just brings me down when I feel like it is going unnoticed or unappreciated... and I guess I don't know how to handle it.

I have always had a very keen intuition into other people's feelings... and when I feel something is wrong with one of my friends, I ask. I have so often been told that I worry too much, or that I'm looking too deep into things... I don't think that's true.... I think I just genuinely care about my friends and how they are doing. Whether they accept that or not is up to them... even if I did worry too much... has that ever been a bad thing? I'd rather worry too much than worry too little.

I have been so depressed lately and I don't even know why. I don't know whether it's just the general attitude of those around me... I just feel so alone. In a way I feel alive and I want to go out in the nice whether. I'm happy with the direction my life is going in... and just the other night my best friend called me to go out, which I really needed. With the nice weather approaching I just want to be outside all the time... I want to run around and sing... draw pictures... be creative... read a book... play my guitar...do things that make me happy. But I guess I feel alone because I feel like I don't have anyone to share my happiness with... and it sucks. And I feel guilty when everyone around me seems to be in so much pain... All I want to do is take my positive energy and try to make them happy and see the good things that are around us... but I feel like it's an impossible task.

An incredible thing happened to me the other day... a woman I don't even know...except through others... but I've never actually met her.. but she lost her daughter about a year ago in April... She has clearly/obviously been in so much pain over it... pain that is unimaginable.. and I felt like I just wanted to reach out to her... It was just this strong feeling I had had for a long time but it took me a while to actually do it... Well I did... I sent her a message... a really long one... I'm not going to get into details with it because it was private... but she wrote back to me saying that up until that point that night she was feeling absolutely horrible... but when she read my message... it completely made her night... she said thank you so much, you put a smile on my face when I didn't think it was possible...
Someone I don't even know!! I made their night! It was the most incredible feeling. She really opened up to me and proceeded to write a really long email back to me in response....
It just made me feel really good and proud of myself that I didn't let anything hold me back. That despite my fear that she might not want a strangers kind words, or to reach out to a stranger, I didn't let that get in the way of doing what I felt was right and needed. and I guess it taught me that even if it's just one person you really can make a difference... even if I made her happy for one night... thats one night that she wasn't feeling totally miserable... I can't even imagine the pain she is going through... but still despite all that... my words made her smile. Even if for a little while.

It just really made me think... because so many times I have tried being there for people or responding to LJ posts, bulletins, away messages...whatever... and people I know in real life... maybe not best friends... but we still know each other/hang out in the same crowd sometimes... but I'll try to reach out because someone is not having a good day... or they are having problems with their significant other... I can honestly say that 95% of the time I don't get a response back... or a thank you for caring. This woman lost her daughter. A pain that I can not even imagine. and neither can most people. I have lost people close to me... but nothing like the pain of losing a child. and despite the fact that I was a complete stranger to her... she allowed me to reach out to her. She accepted me. She didn't see my wanting to help as being fake, or wanting attention, or anything like that... she took it how it was meant to be... and saw me as a genuine, compassionate and empathetic human being who just wanted to make a difference in someone's life. Even if just for a minute... an hour... a day...

This probably makes no sense.... maybe some people will sit there wondering if it's about them... the truth is.. if I want to say something to one person in particular, I will not write it in livejournal... I will actually tell you to your face. It's just how I am. This is meant to be a post about what I have seen lately IN GENERAL. I am generally disappointed in the attitudes of those around me as of late. But not EVERYONE... just a majority. and not disappointed in an "I'm sick of this" kind of way... just disappointed in a sad, I wish there was something I could do to make this better kind of way.

So take it how you want... I'm open to comments. Odds are I'll either get a lot ... or none. Per usual.

Take care. xo.
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