That's my cat Mimi.. actually, its Brenda's but she already said I could keep her when I move out.. and I already started footing the vet and food bills.. so.. MINE!!
This dog here thinks he's my boyfriend. If he sees me in bed, he jumps on it. He sees a guy come toward me, he growls. He immediately runs toward me when he sees me walk out with the trash and just... incessantly wags his tail. He's already broke it once, I'm afraid he'll break it again-- he's just THAT excited to see me.
This was taken with the old camera. As you can see, it doesn't show color very well and all you can see are my baby's eyes. .She's giving me that quizical 'what the hell is that thing in front of your face?" look. God, I LOVE/MISS her.
Old camera -- Des and I being stupid. I swear, I spent a good four hours at her house, and the whole time the camera was charging... the minute this picture was taken, I got the whole 'low battery' message. This camera is going to ebay-- let someone else deal with that... and and.. yeah.. patience.
I never did charge that shit to the fifteen hours I was supposed to. O.o;
And last, and definately least, me... e.e I forgot what I was looking at.