Oct 16, 2005 13:15
Who was the last person...
You talked to - Shawna
You hugged - Missy
You instant messaged - Dan
You yelled at - Shawna
You laughed with - Shawna
You had a crush on - Shawna
You Kissed- ....
Do you...
Color your hair-yes
Have tattoos - No
Have Piercings- 4 in one ear, 3 in the other, bellybutton, nipples
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both- Girlfriend
Floss daily -no
Own a webcam - No
Ever get off the computer-yeah
Sprechen sie deutsche - ....
Hablas espanol? ...
Have you/Do you have...
Considered a life of crime - hehe maybe
Considered being a pimp - No
Are you psycho - depends who you ask
Split personalities - yes
Obsessive - yes
Obsessive compulsive - in ways
Panic - not really
Anxiety - not much
Depressed - at times
If you could be anywhere, where would you be - Shawnas.
What are you listening to- The keyboard
Can you do anything freakish with your body- hummm
Do you have a favorite animal -Lasagna?
Current Mood - Sad
Current Music - nothing
Current Taste - Pickel chips
Current Hair - shoulder length, black and purple
Current Annoyance - Not being with shawna
Current Smell - haha weed, and no, im not the one smoking it.
Current thing you ought to be doing - English homework
Current Desktop Picture - Rachel and I.
Current Book - Rainbow boys
Current DVD In Player - Sin city
Current Refreshment - nothing
Current Worry - shes going to leace
Current Favorite Celebrity - your mom...
Drink - Mountain Dew
Color - Black Green Orange
Shoes - my DVS's
Candy - Gummy Bears
TV Show - I love Lucy... Or ... Boy meets world... or ... Gilmore Girls...
Movie - dont know
Dance - I dont dance.
Article of Clothing - dont know
Are you...
Understanding - maybe
Open-minded - depends
Hungry - no
Friendly - if i like you
Moody - yes lol
Independent - at times
Hard working - im lazy
Organized - I try to be
Shy - Sometimes
Difficult - yes
Bored Easily - at times
Thirsty - yes
Responsible - eh...
Trusting - yes.
Unique - I guess...
On you...
Full name- Kimberly Francis Franklin
Nicknames - Too many to type lol
Age - 16
Birthday - Oct. 14th 1989
Eye Color - Green
Siblings - Alexis(18 - Sister) Morgan (10 Sister) Axel(8 Brother) Howie(? Step brother) Elliot (? Step brother) Jessica (28 Step sister) Vince (20 Step brother)
What's your sign - Libra
On preferences..
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate- Chocolate milk
McDonalds or Burger King - Taco bell.
Sweet or sour - sour
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper - I HATE rootbeer just as much as i HATE Dr.pepper.
Sappy/action/comedy/horror - Horror, action
Cats or dogs - Snakes
Ocean or Pool - whatever
Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheesier - yuck.
With or without ice-cubes - crushed ice
Rain or Shine? rain
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring- Fall
Vanilla or Chocolate - Chocolate
Snowboarding or skiing - sitting.
Cake or cookies- dont know
Cereal or toast - Cereal
Gloves or mittens - Gloves
Fly or breathe under water - flying so i can see who i want to see when i want to see them, but breathing underwater would be cool too becuase i would have a quiet place to get away too...but i would still pick flying.
Chewing gum or hard candy - gum
Motor boat or sailboat - i dont like boats.
What's your favorite...
Number - 14
Holiday - halloween
Radio station - 89x
Place - shawnas
Flower-dead roses
Smell: Shawna.