Title: Of Rainy Days and the Savior
Pairing: Kyuhyun/ reader/ OC (me!)
Length: One shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Angst
Summary: A new neighbor who changed your point of view (yes i'm suck at summary)
Warning: UN-BEATED
A/N: dedicated for
@ijuuun. here comes our fic comp~! lolololol be sure you commented this!
I hate
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Comments 5
but it made me freak out ALOT because i was listening to "hope is a dream that doesnt sleep" (my ABSOLUTE favorite song EVER) and it helped me imagine the stuff going on. then also, when "my" friend was texting me, i lauged because my best friend actually does think Kyuhyun is really hot. =D she doesn't like kpop, but i plan on changing that. =) anyways, she really likes kyuhyun and he is her favorite member (and he's one of my favorite members)
sorry i'm just kinda rambling on, but you did a good job! and it wasn't too cheesy or rushing.
i love 'hope is a dream that doesn't sleep' too
actually i'm in the middle of poisoning my best friend into kpop. lol.
thank you for reading and commenting! /hugs
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