The automation of the house continues. We can now control the internal and external garage lights.
I've also determined a couple of things about electricians:
* every box I open has a new unpleasant surprise and a new unpleasant puzzle to solve.
* the actual practice of wiring a house appears to be focused on saving a few hundred dollars of copper, at direct cost to both safety and maintainability.
* the actual practice of wiring boxes is to do as shoddy work as possible as it is possible to get away with.
I don't plan on leaving this house, but if I do, and build or remodel one, the electrical wiring will be very different. More circuits, more breakers, and simpler wiring, at the "cost" of more romex.
Now I understand more deeply why, when my dad would remodel the houses my family grew up in, he would massively overspec the electrical, AND insisted on doing it himself.
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