Characters: Cassandra and Demeter
Date/Time: Umm Janurary 9th I think?
Location: Outside Cassie's apartment at first but moving to dinner places and stuff~
Rating: PG or so?
Warnings: Demeter; that should count by itself by this point.
Summary: Cassie and Demeter going out on a date~
Of course Demeter likes dates, adores them as a matter of fact. Of course, she loves the bits that come after the dates a little more than the actual act of dating at times but that's a side concern. And she never jumps on the first date unless her partner seems to be a step away from jumping too.
...Well, most of the time.
Anyway! That doesn't matter and that is a point to ignore at the moment; since Cassandra is a relative unknown and Demeter half expects that the girl doesn't even consider it a proper date for the most part. Which is why she's dressed fairly modestly for the occaision- still wearing a dress that shows off her curves to a acceptable degree (it'd be a sin not to show off this clothing) but various limbs aren't bursting out all over the place in inappropriate ways.
In fact, she looks perfectly appropriate as she knocks at Cassandra's door chirpily- nothing like a miracle to start your evening off after all.