Have you broken skin this time/Made your mark and took me deeper/As you drown me [Closed/Complete]

Oct 01, 2009 17:56

Characters: Phaedra, Theseus
Date/Time: Evening, Oct. 2nd
Location: The couple's apartment
Rating: PG-13. Will up the rating if it gets too bad
Warnings: Triggers galore. (Of the SI kind, loves)
Summary: Theseus finds Phaedra physically punishing herself and he doesn't like it.

Phaedra didn't bother closing the door of the bathroom. After all, Theseus wouldn't be home for a while and there was no one else for her to hide from. She meticulously laid out the razor blade she had broken from one of Theseus's razors next to the rubbing alcohol she had bought her second day in the city. The idea had come to her on her first day back when she had gotten a paper cut while filling out forms with the apartment manager--Phaedra could punish herself for her misdeeds by cutting into her skin. A cut for each crime against her family.

The former queen pulled her shirt off, carefully making sure the bandages from her previous experiences remained in place. Phaedra picked up the razor blade and, with a deep, shuddering breath, cut her upper arm. Oh gods, did it hurt. She deserved each cut, each pang, each drop of blood lost though. Had Phaedra not failed as a sister, a mother, a wife, then none of this would have happened. Theseus and she could have been happy, she could have seen her boys as grown men. Her stepson wouldn't have died. Phaedra had been too weak to resist Aphrodite's influence. Her mania had overrun her, as she knew it could do--she should have been watching out for that!--and everything had fallen apart.

Whimpering with each new cut, Phaedra continued at her self appointed task, losing focus on the world around her.

theseus, phaedra

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