Jan 30, 2007 19:00
Aries (March 20 to April 19)
You're determined to do things your own way, Aries. That spark of sovereignty within you is strong, and you fear losing it in relationships. Because you can take care of things so well on your own, you may shy away from letting others know how much you need them. Practicing the art of give-and-take is the key to maintaining your independence and also letting others in deeply. Also, take care you don't demand too much, too soon.
Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
You know once you make a commitment, Taurus, it's for good. That's why you take your time choosing the right person. Once locked in, however, you want things to stay the same forever and stubbornly resist change. Fear of leaving your comfortable rut is your single greatest barrier to intimacy -- a condition that thrives on constant growth. You need to trust that change is good, and embrace it with open arms before love can flourish.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20)
You tend to flit around a lot, Gemini, never staying put long enough to establish deeply-rooted ties. The fear of becoming bored or being hemmed in tends to keep you on the surface of things, never investing enough of yourself to feel committed. And, there's that secret fear that your partner might discover the "dark twin" you try so hard to hide. Yet letting someone in shines the light of love into the darkness -- leading to true intimacy.
Cancer(June 21 to July 21)
You fear exposing your soft underbelly, Cancer. Since your emotions are so close to the surface, it happens more often than you'd like. Once exposed, you're at your loved one's mercy. Because you're more comfortable nurturing others than receiving loving care, being willing to fall apart, cry or be vulnerable is actually good for you. And, your willingness to reveal yourself makes intimacy with others much more rewarding.
Leo (July 22 to Aug. 22)
You have a hard time relinquishing control, Leo. And, your desire to be the one in charge can keep others at a distance. Because you seem so capable, they may be content to let you run the show. Don't fall prey to this trap, though -- sharing power in a relationship is the key to intimacy. As you reveal areas in which you're not as competent, you let others know the true you. Your quick temper can also ward people off, so practice patience.
Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
A feeling of unworthiness is at the root of your intimacy issues, Virgo. You fear that if you reveal your imperfections, others will run away. Yet no one holds you to the impossibly high standards you set for yourself. In fact, they'd rather you come out and play instead of always worrying and care-taking them. Don't let your sharp mind and analytical abilities dominate your feelings, where the magic of intimacy lies.
Intimacy Issues for: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces >>