Short and so unsweetfully:
Ok so Be didn't want my poem I wrote him for v-day :(
BUUUUT *happyhappyhappy*
The Da Vinci Code is such a good book! x_x go
buy it! NOOOW.
Just don't read it at night if you get scared easily. Ok kiddies, so valentines day sucks./ It's just there. So naturally, I hate it. So
Cheers. to this holiday *flip* Oh, I'm thinking of making this journal friends only. Just because.
LOL one of my convo's online..oh dear:
Ash: omg..mea is watchin the amanda show...but POCOHANTAS WAS ABOUT TO SHOW AGAIN!!!
Ash: *sobs*
Me: LOL :-: oh dear
Me: whatever shall we do
Ash: *evil manic laughter* >) haha..hah...break the tv, yea yea the tv
Me: *snicker* *sips caffeine* YEAAAHHH.. tv.. HEHEHE..sledge hammer *twitch* o_< the sledge..yesss..
Ash: ...o.o SLEDGE HAMMER! *grabs and smashes* PO*smash*-CO*smash*-HAUNT*smash*-US*smash*..a deed is done ^_^ *goes upstairs to watch tv*...
Me: LOL ;D
Me: thaz teh speer-rat
Ash: ..while my sister is left tv less....and confused O_O...
Me: LOL w00t!
One more thing, I swear: