So the 2nd show is this Sat. Bubba will once again be going with me... This time of his own volition! I think he is starting to like tolerate Kane just a little bit :D I was suppose to head to PDX Fri afternoon after I left work and meet up with some friends to celebrate "Lil' Bro's" 18th bday, but not anymore! Got a call from Boss last night that killed those plans - I have to close the store down on Fri night now, even though they were well aware I had plans for this weekend! Hell I put in for the vacation time over 2 months ago! It really pisses me off that my schedule once again got fucked up because one of the other mngr's is refusing to follow HQ directive! So because he's an ass, I get punished for it? I was almost afraid that she was going to tell me that she was revoking my vacation for this weekend, but she knows how much I look forward to these shows... And I think she likes the Happy!Me that comes back from them :D But anyways, Bubba will be here to pick me up from work on Fri night and I will just be leaving from there. Instead of meeting friends I will prolly just end up crashing at Bubba's house. Possibly with so high grade tequila *coughpatroncough* and Jack for company. Maybe some "special" brownies - what? I DID live in Portland! :P
I will try to have pics up this next week. I am hoping not to injure myself again! I will not promise though, it's been three weeks since Mama and I went to see George and Reba and I still have yet to even attempt to unload those pics off my camera even though I have family bugging me constantly about it! I will TRY to remember which way the setting is for vid is as well...